9-11-2001, GOD DID IT !!!

by Earth Books 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed
    How come God attracts such nutcases ?

    Just think how sad God is that such morons spew this vile crap in his name? I am wondering if EarthBooks is a cross between a fire and sulphur breathing Pentecostal and Hard Core Southern Baptist. Next thing we know, he will be touting his magazines and telling us we have to follow him or face eternal damnation! Wait, didn't some other group already do that?

  • plmkrzy

    9-11-2001, GOD DID IT !!!

    I watch the news...and highjackers did it.[8>]
    None of them were named god

    Life sucks...get a helmet
    [email protected]


    Man i'm telling you check out his links!!....he/they claim to be JW's! And they have all this info that the GB is supposed to know but is keeping quiet about...oh and america is supposed to be over run my the chinese!!....it's a riot!

  • D8TA
    Well, the harsh reality is that what goes around comes around, period.

    That is errr, known as KARMA! And the last time I checked, that wasn't associated with any "christian" main stream beliefs.

    But, you can just call me Chief, good ol' Earth Books.

    ::goes and grabs a pillow::


  • plmkrzy

    This is taken from his Web Site.
    He is not claiming to be a JW
    He thinks he is Mulder from the XFiles

    We need to explain that the JEHOVAH'S Witnesses are only one of several churches that are trying to reorganize their doctrine to reflect correctly the revelations that they are receiving from Our Heavenly Father JEHOVAH at this time.

    Some of the other churches include: THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD, and also THE ASSEMBLIES OF GOD, and even THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST both the RLDS and the LDS divisions, thus saith Our Heavenly Father JEHOVAH.

    Life sucks...get a helmet
    [email protected]

    lol...ya know I plm I think you may be on to something...uh-oh(looking suddenly afraid)....ssshhhhhhh

  • Mutz

    EVERYONE knows it was the Butler that did it. Foolish Peep!

  • LeslieV

    All I know is that my husband is a mental health counselor and does psyc evaluations, he would tell you that he talks to someone telling him that they are Jesus almost every night.

  • Satanus

    Since god did it, then it's no wonder the fbi/cia weren't able to detect it ahead of time. That means also that bush has aimed his guns in the wrong direction. All the anti-bin ladin pr should have been antigod, showing what a terrorist that god bastard is.

    So, are you on the side of this god terrorist, or are you on semi-peaceful humanity's side? Do you like murderer gods? Your answer will say a lot about you.


  • Michael3000

    Someone's off their meds again...

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