Seeing various/changing/conflicting laws on the same action in different countries, some may feel truth is relative, and there is no such thing as right and wrong.
Yet a closer look beneath the details would show that truth is not relative, and everyone KNOWS what is right and wrong.
Driving in the night by putting the head-lights off is wrong, but right when country is in war with another country. Behind both the conflicting laws, the truth is same: safety and welfare of the people. This is true of notion about what is right and wrong:
Whatever contributes to the welfare of all is right.
Whatever contributes to the harm to person/s is wrong.
Interestingly, this is what exactly books on communication with the spirit world too confirm. [Nowadays plenty of books are available on this subject] Communication with spirit world is no longer a grand-mother tale. When asked how he could make some landmark judgments, the former Apex Court Judge of India Mr. V R Krishna Iyer (who was also the Marxist Part’s Presidential Candidate in the 80’s) gave credit to the spirits with whom he used to communicate. ( Recently, I read in the newspaper, another High Police Official who was appointed to investigate a very high-profile murder case too gave credit to the spirit of the murdered person in helping him with vital missing links that led into the arrest of the murderer. Hence communication with spirit world is an art some people develop, and they all speak of the same truth, same sense of notion of right and wrong as existing even in other universes!