It also means time to get out the Christmas lights is nigh. Halloween decorations are already on display and soon it will be in full force. And soon I expect to see Christmas lights for sale in regular stores.
However, with Saturn headed for Sagittarius this winter and the inherent risk of cults that this gives, plus that hounders (and judges) can and will abuse it by enforcing your former baptism as a legally binding contract, this fall is not entirely without its hazards. It also means, with Neptune headed for 9 Pisces next spring, your silver-gathering season is nearing its end. They are running down prices to scare everyone out of silver, and driving up stock prices to sucker people to buy stocks. When they pull the plug, and Neptune in 9 Pisces is a good point for that to happen, they will give no warning. Your stocks will not be worth the paper they are printed on (and neither will your toilet paper dollars you thought were going to hold their value), and silver will not be available except through extremely hard labor.