The WT's biggest deception?
by BU2B 34 Replies latest jw friends
"The GB speaks for God."
All its other deceptions flow from that one.
I agree with blondie's comment - the WTS has two types of deception: one to 'the world' and another to 'true worshippers' -
Jesus never walked away from his opponents (only when he had to run for his life).
Half banana
BU2B, I sympathise having been in your situation with wife remaining in the Borg. In my case, the marriage broke down and wifey became a totally committed, obsessive JW and began taking the emblems. Oh dear! It was the worst time in my life. So tread carefully and keep her on your side mentally and emotionally because if you give signs of leaving the org without her, she could turn to it for consolation as it was in my experience.
I chose to stay in the home for about five years after the breakdown because my children were young and I didn’t want them growing up with a missing father. It was hard as hell and two of my three kids have remained JWs even after the traumatic family events.
As to the demanding question the biggest deception of the Watchtower: I think the impression they give that they exclusively have a hot line with god is perhaps the biggest deception. Their track record disproves they have not. One hundred and thirty five years of divinely privileged insight, as from a metaphorical watchtower, is a catastrophic lie...they have never got one prediction right!
How are you managing at the moment?