She told me that yesterday and I just chuckled.
My Mom Hopes I Die Before The Great Tribulation Comes
by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends
Sooo she thinks the GT's a long way off? ... Or, she wishes you an early death perhaps within the next 6 months? ... Or ...?
Tell you you'll come back as a daisy....
Tell her not to worry, you definitely will die before the great tribulation comes.
Given that the "great tribulation" as described by the WT will never occur....I'd say she'll get her wish.
Unless you live long enough to last until the time when you can upload your brain to the cloud.
The Searcher
Ask her for her Bible reasoning why she thinks you'd be better off dying BEFORE Armageddon.
This Brothers Grim fairy tale has been accepted into Witness folklore the same way "New Scrolls" has been!
Strange as her comment sounds, it is made with loving intention.
I really never stopped to think what people were actually saying when I heard statements like that. They are saying you are better off dead.
My mom makes statements like that about my nonJW sisters.
JWfacts is right: she says it out of love and disrepair. She thinks that will be the only way we will all be together in paradise.
I am surprised there are not more "mercy" killings.
The last time my mom made a statement like that , I excused myself and hung up. I dont have the energy to try to explain to her how messed up and illogical that line of thought is.
JW's need to kill all ex-JW's before the GT,
it's the loving thing to do.
(hugs) MissFit!
I'm sure my folks would say the same thing, if they were talking to me. I've often thought that many parents want their kids to be happy, but they want their kids to be happy *their way*. If they're "doin' it wrong", the kids could stand to be a bit unhappy (for their own good)... or dead (til they're brought back and taught to be happy the right way).
And, really... if I'm capable of learning to follow Jehovah in Paradise because of the "perfect" conditions there... doesn't that mean the deck is unfairly stacked against *everyone* in this "system of things" and everyone needs a free do-over (with a bonus Procreation Buff) in Paradise???
I'll stop now.