We all will die before the great tribulation.
My Mom Hopes I Die Before The Great Tribulation Comes
by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends
You should of responded I hope you do to, since there 6 things you do or don't do that is against Jesus christ teachings and since he will be your judge things don't look good for your future!!
My mom has been ill all of my life yet she outlasts everyone. Probably, me too.
blondie - "Amazing how the WTS puts people into Gehenna and then years later snatches them out."
Now that's a skill!
But mini, you are deliberately sinning.
yeah---me too---good innit ?
just goes to show--our creator has a sense of humour--not such a mean ole bastard after all.
Hi everybody. I just want you to know that I will not be allowed to make any new threads, per Simon. I am currently down to ten posts allowed per day and that is it. So just so you know, I have been silenced and cannot contribute much to this forum. I wish you all well and for what it is worth, I was allowed only 25 posts per day for the last year. I wish you all well and hope you all the best.
What? why? I look forward to seeing a min post!
Thanks Carla, but no more threads and very little discussion.
Good grief!