144,000 Jewish Christians
by Chris Tann 28 Replies latest watchtower bible
Nah, I counted more than that.
Chris Tann
I thought there must be a clue in revelation that would help one identify who the 144,000 really are. I noticed in Revelation 14:4 that they are called first fruits to God and the lamb. So I looked up all the places in the Greek scriptures where the word first fruits are, and found only five references to that word. Four of those five have nothing to do with Revelations first fruits. The one reference that does is found at Romans 11:16.
Here, in chapter eleven, Paul is asking(vs.1) if God has rejected his people; he answers NO!. He then explains how this is possible by referring to the account of Elijah, telling God that all the prophets have been killed and that he is very concerned being the only one left.God reassures Elijah that he has left 7,000 men over for himself (vs.4). Paul then,in verse 5 ,applies this to his time saying: "In this way, therefore,at the present season also a remnant has turned up according to a choosing due to undeserved kindness". Paul,of course is speaking of a remnant of Jews who have accepted Jesus as the Christ; hence the first Jewish Christians of the first century.
In verse 4 Paul wishes to incite those who are his own flesh (Israelites) to jealousy and save some. He then relates that if the part of Israel taken as FIRST FRUITS (The first Jewish Christians, ie. the remnant of verse 5) is holy, the lump (the whole nation of Israel) is also holy. This harmonizes with the description of the 144,000 in Revlation. Revlation 7 says they are from the tribes of the sons of Israel. Also in chapter 14 verse 4,if women is symbolic of pagan worship, this would make sense, for the Jews who became Christians were always apart of true worship,unlike those of the nation's, who became Christians, were once pagan worshipers. Thus these Jewish Christian first fruits " never defiled themselves with women".
The prophecies in the Hebrew scriptures, that refer to the time of Christ mentions several times that there would be a remnant. Now if the number 144,000 is symbolic or literal I'm not sure,nor am I 100% sure of this understanding of 144,000 is correct. To me, though it is more scriptural and makes more sense than the Witnesses explanation. Therefore I lean toward the understanding that the 144,000 were the first Jewish Christians of the first century before the fall of Jerusalem in 70c.e..
Chris Tann
Funny Phizzy. It could still be symbolic or a certain selection of Jews before a certain time or special event.
Why would a Jew want to believe Paul's invented version of a messiah.
Chris Tann
Jews became followers of Christ Jesus before Paul was converted. Exam: the 120 in the upper room on Pentecost and the many Priest who became believers.
But that was a different version of the Messiah than the one Paul invented in Romans and Hebrews.
Chris Tann
I agree that Paul's writings on Christ are different. Sometimes I don't know if he believes in a physical Jesus or spiritual Jesus. Never the less, the points I was making about identifying the 144,000 using what Paul wrote in Romans has nothing to do with his theology of the Messiah. He accurately interprets accounts of a future remnant using the Hebrew writings and applies it to Jewish believers of his time. Whether or not they believe in his theology or not at that instance he does not specify.
Paul misinterprets the Hebrews writings, both in Romans, Galatians, and Hebrews. He laid the foundation for what would become 'Replacement theology'.
Chris Tann
Ok. I just don't see it as replacement theology. The Mssiah wad foretold to come, he came, not all Jews believed, those that did became the nucleus of the next phase or continuation of God's plan for Israel and then those of the nation would be grafted in. Not a replacement, but a continuation. Remember, Paul does say that the nation of Israel will not continue blind forever. Just until the fullness of the nation's are brought in, then all Israel( literal Israel) will be saved. But your point is well taken ,thank you.