I would just like to know why people are always treated like you have to be depressed or have some type of serious mental issue if you try to leave? You cant just leave because its not for you?
Why are you treated as mentally ill if you try to leave?
by wallievase 19 Replies latest jw friends
The org. demonizes dissenters so that others will stay in the org.
It really is as simple as what Hortensia said.
If you stay: Good.
if you leave: Bad.
Let's review: It's a cult!
Its just another of the WTS's self supporting propaganda to instilling fear induced provocation.
Its firstly done to lure people into their organization as Armageddon is coming soon and its used extensively
to control people while their there to spur on the distribution of the literature and acquire more converts.
Then its done to demean people who wise up to all that coercive mental manipulation and lies which they eventually found out.
People controlled creates power and wealth.
Its a formula that the WTS publishing house has been doing for over a century and the leaders of this organization know exactly how it works.
Now remember this is Jehovah's earthly arrangement and anything outside is Satan's worldly arrangement,
particularly higher education and other religious faiths.
You will be eventually judged by god in how you support his earthly arrangement, the Watchtower Publishing house.
Cults set things up in advance so that there is no valid reason to leave!
By doing this, they scare the sheep into staying in the fold, no matter how abusive things get. Those who leave either want to go have crazy gay midget sex, or as you mention have mental problems.
Either way, dissent is muffled and many never, ever consider leaving the fold.
It's called: PROJECTION
Black Sheep
Because they are told to that by the church leaders.
It's to control those still in—
"I dont want want to be thought of as still in so I better keep coming"
Why would anyone thats not mental want to leave gods organization?
Control tactics. It's sick.