Why isn't the world a frazzle?

by punkofnice 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Apognophos

    Because the leaders are not insane and even a dictator's power is limited. If Kim Jong Un told his men to fire a nuke at the U.S. tomorrow, they would probably stage a coup on his pudgy ass.

    Nobody wants to de-stabilize the world by lobbing the first nuclear volley. As the Tick said, "The Earth is where I keep all my stuff!" Only an insane nihilist would want to trash it instead of trying to use the existing system to get ahead.

    If Hitler'd had a nuke, he might have been able to convince his men to fire it before Das Bunker was overrun, but there hasn't been a Hitler since Hitler and the world's nations know that they need to prevent any new ones from popping up.

  • punkofnice

    jgnat - Back to the 70's MAD thing in a way.

    I don't believe in the illuminati but I wonder if there are some behind the scenes stuff.

  • Make Lemonade
    Make Lemonade

    I remember M. A. D.. I also remember the Cuban missile crisis and duck and cover drills in school. When the "Russians backed down" many regarded Kennedy as the hero. After investigating the matter further I think Kruschev's actions are what stopped an almost certain nuclear exchange. Remember that America did remove their missiles from Turkey as part of a Diplomatic solution.

    Practicle reasons do form a basis for policy as Humbled said. More is involved in the thinking process. As ex witnesses we can find many examples of people wakeing up because of an emotional reason as opposed to doctrine.

    Perhaps learning how to help people trapped in a cult, will translate into how to improve the dangerous world we live in.

  • punkofnice

    Apog - Leaders are not as mad as the propaganda says ay?!?

    M Lemon - More to things than meet the eye.

  • jgnat

    Having worked for provincial leaders for over twenty-five years, I am confident that if there is anything to fear it is incompetence, not conspiracy. If there is any backroom stuff it is private, between a limited number of individuals, and local. Otherwise it won't remain secret. Rumors are leaky.

    Worldwide, we hang in a balance of mutual cooperation.

  • galaxie


  • punkofnice

    jgnat - Incompetence eek. Sounds like the worst thing ever for the world.

    gal - Bilderberg. Ah, the old fat cats that appear to actually control things.......but I'm not into illuminati conspiracies.

  • galaxie

    Nor I punk but what the hell are they up to.

    Don't they have better things to do with their precious time?

    Why the secrecy, no minutes reports of discussions, oh well perhaps for another thread.

    Best wishes.

  • humbled

    Incompetence and backroom machinations in government are the result of special interest interference, imo. Money opens the door to that back room.

    Big money is a dim North Star to guide the destiny of nations. But it does. Lobbyists and the Citizens United give special interests a heavy hand in U.S. government. Some great exemplars of the money/power complex: the Koch Brothers. These are the best of the corporate breed and they are absolutely involved with government officials and policy making.

    They are compelling figures for this discussion since they also make contributions to the arts and other philanthropic causes. Also, they have the libertarian political view that people are capable of running their own lives. But....

    How often do they concern themselves with the impact of their business decisions on people's ability to run their own lives? Not at all if business is business.

    And are they viewed as immoral hypocrites in their community for this? absurd question! They are competent. They are successful.

    The hidden wheeling-dealing of special interest is as old as government. Business vision is not focused on anything but the bottom line. Competence has a hard time surviving in that environment.

  • punkofnice

    Humbled - How often do they concern themselves with the impact of their business decisions on people's ability to run their own lives? Not at all if business is business.

    Sounds a lot like the WBT$

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