Anothertthing that surprisesme is that there aaren't more terrorist aattacks rrandomly hhappenin. Yes, of course tthere are the big ones we always refer to, 9/11, the lLondon bombings, oklahoma etc, but if they (whomever THEY mmight be) REALLY wanted to create terror, then purely random local football events, random train tracks being exploded, random changing rooms in ddepartmentstores, ttoiletsin mmacdonalds etc (not talking big explosions, just eenough to causeterror) would surely be just as, if not more, effective as one big hhighlyoorganised effort?
The fact that this doesn't happen indicates to me that there
1. Can'tbe that many loonies out there willing todo sstufflike this,
and/or 2. The security services are doing a bang up job!
Either way, it surprises me it doesn't happen more often , but it's certainly a good thing.