i have seen that some say if a man has 3 beers per day or a woman has 2 glasses of wine per day, that they may have a medication to help your intake of alcohol. How much is too much, regarding alcohol?
How Much Drinking Is Too Much?
by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends
The worse if when the advice contradicts ... e.g. 1 glass of wine a day is great for ABC but more than 1 glass a week is bad for XYZ.
Most medical diet advice seems to be changing now - eggs + cholesterol, saturated fats + salt and so on.
Does that mean it's OK to live off donuts and beer now? Probably not but I think most people know if they drink too much by asking themselves if they'd be embarrassed about other people knowing or feel they need to lie when filling out medical forms.
It also depends on the beer of course ... are we talking real beer or bug light? :)
you are abou right: 2 for a man 1 for a petite. per day on average.
exceptions are rare.
Try Kava Kava as a cold pressed tea the Pacific Islander way. A little Kava and you will be too faded to want to drink. Its bitter and ugly, has no calories, and doesn't mix well with alcohol. It won't get you out of control like alcohol, and the buzz won't be as sweetly exquisite as marijuana but it might make you even lazier than a stoned person. It is a muscle relaxer and as far from caffeine as you can get. Just remember to drink a lot of water the next day as it will dehydrate you.
Separation of Powers
Depends on your liver
It also depends on the beer of course ... are we talking real beer or bug light? :)
bug light.... that's too funny!
You know you're drinking too much if you come to depend on it. Each person is different. If a person has one glass of wine a day, is it too much? Probably not. If a person can't get through the day without a drink, then it's probably too much.
Interestingly, in a talk at the 2013 DC, the speaker defined being drunk as one having 4 or 5 drinks, depending on tolerance levels. While they discourage drinking too much, one cannot be DF'd for being an alcoholic. They can only be DF'd for being drunk.
Nightly blackouts
1) you lose arguments with inanimate objects.
2) you have to hold onto the lawn to keep from falling
off the earth.
3) your doctor finds traces of blood in your alcohol stream.
4) you believe alcohol to be the elusive 5th food group.
5) the parking lot seems to have moved while you were in
the bar.
6) mosquitoes catch a buzz after attacking you.
7) that stupid pink elephant followed me home again.....
I think some people get a little fanatical about what constitutes alcoholism. I'll go through periods where I'll have 3-4 drinks a night for a couple weeks, and sometimes I won't have any for a long strech. For me, it's no different than how I'll sometimes crave pizza for a couple days in a row, but sometimes I don't feel like it for a long stretch.
I think some of the difference has to do with what you get out of drinking. I drink because it tastes good, but some people will drink anything they can get their hands on just to get drunk. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a drink, but I've run out of the particular scotch I was in the mood for, and I end up not drinking anything (despite having an otherwise fully stocked bar). I have no interest in medication to make me drink less...when I want to drink less, I just drink less. Sometimes I stop drinking for a while to lose weight, but I definitely miss the pizza more than the drink when I do that.
I have a friend who drinks every day, beer in the local bars, from 1 to 9 at night. He seldom iappears to be drunk but I worry about him. Personally, I'm a cognac drinker. You can't guzzle those.