How Much Drinking Is Too Much?
by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends
James Brown "-- the youger you are the less you are AWARE of the problem--" The younger you are the more addictive it is to drink any.
it was explaned to me that with ceels still dividing like ther is no futere for the you, each cell-division will replicate alcohol dependency, even if you dont drink any more today. ?
Shoot, I need a drink. Hiccup.
I know for a fact what I drank last night was too much..
Interesting that this has come up. Thank you Minimus for a topic for a change instead of being the JWN wall flower.
This past spring, I had some medical concerns that took me through about 5 weeks of tests and visited with various doctors through the Providence Health facility nearby.
One question that I kept being asked routinely was "How many drinks per day do you consume?" The list was always the same - Beer___? Wine___?
I always answered honestly. I drink liqour more than wine and seldom drink beer.
Then towards the end of the five weeks of running up medical bills (and coming to no conclusions, but that's another story) I asked the doctor, "I know a beer is about 12 oz of 5% alchohol. Wine is about 11% for a 5 oz. glass. But how much is what you call a "drink" of liqour? She looked at her own questionaire and said, "that's a good question, let me check" she took a few seconds on the computor and said "one drink of 80% liqour is considered to be 1.5 oz." Nonsense. A drink is a 1 oz. shot. Recognized everywhere. Many bars have automatic liqour dispensers that measure one ounce. If you go into a pub in the UK you see the liqour bottles all upside down on top of measuring nozzles. All one ounce.
So all this time I have told them how many drinks I consume per day they have calculated it at 1.5 instead of 1.0.
The whole subject of drinking and health effects is a muddle of opinions, prejudices and hunches.
In my area it is 1.5 ounces. If you go to many pubs, and if the bartender likes you, you can get a "heavy pour".
To be equivalent, you'd have to use 1.5 ounces for 80 proof liquor.
12 ounces beer @ 5% = 0.6 ounces alcohol per "drink"
5 ounces wine @ 12% = 0.6 ounces alcohol per "drink"
1.5 ounces liquor at 40% = 0.6 ounces alcohol per "drink"
(Yes, I know many varieties of beer, wine, and liquor have different percentages than these, but those are more or less the "typical" amounts)
Alcohol does not solve any problems.. but then again, neither does milk.
James Brown
I meant when I was young, I was not aware of the damage alcohol did to me.
Today I am aware that I hurt if I drink alcohol and then run for an hour.
When I was young I did not run for an hour or so. Today, I am in better shape
at 62 then at 22.
And I don't want to abuse my body like I did at 22.
I agree drinking is and was addictive.
I used to go to AA and did not have a drink for 7 years.
Those were 7 very good years.
sir82, thank you for clarifying my post. I referred to a drink of liqour as 80% alcohol. I meant 'proof'. Of course that is 40% alcohol. Thamk yoo for the clarafuckashun.
Yours trooly, I lub you vary mudge.