Video of JW's street witnessing using a tablet ... getting owned by BIble users

by wannabefree 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2

    Well, I'll grant that the taller Israeli knew his stuff but boy does he sound arrogant, swishing his water bottle around, telling the other Israeli to look up the scriptures for him and saying in an emphatic manner, "Listen" before embarking on another round.

    Perhaps it's a cultural thing, but he comes across as pushy and dogmatic. The JW by contrast sounds very softly spoken but it's hard to hear what he's saying. Still I agree the ipad Bible is kind of clumsy.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I honestly think the tablets could backfire on them. Many Christians especially the older generations, feel the actual Bible is holy and they would never even write or high lite in them like many JW's do. I really am surprised they have gone to the tablets out in the ministry instead of the actual book.

  • fulano

    Aren't they afraid to get robbed? Walking around with the latest iPad ?

  • lisaBObeesa

    It was shocking to me when around 1:30-ish when the JW is asked "Why are you out here?" And the JW replies "We are promoting our website."

    It really REALLY shocked me to actually hear "website" come out of the Jw's mouth instead of "God's kingdom."

    Unbelievable. Just sitting here shaking my head.

  • lisaBObeesa

    Plus, didn't it used to be the JWs that were the experts at cherry picking verses from a well-worn and highlighted Bible? Wasn't it the Witnesses who used to astound the householders with their "knowledge" and having all those verses at their fingertips? Theses other dudes (from their own cult no doubt...who are they?) beat the Jws at their own game.

    The JWs have lost their mojo.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    JWs love to brag that they know more about the Bible than any other religion. But this just isn't the 80's anymore... In fact, as this video illustrates, JWs are finding it increasingly difficult to defend their beliefs because they invariably get schooled by guys like these... By the way, did anyone notice how these guys engaged in 80's-style JW "street witnessing"? You know, the militant kind that JWs used to practice when the "message" used to be "urgent" and/or "life-saving"... But notice how the passive "techy" old man quickly finds refuge in his tablet while the worldly preachers pounced on his partner... Really sad and pathetic... I'm sure they were both thinking to themselves: "Damn, we should have just kept walking and counted the rest of our time at the coffee shop down the street."

  • KateWild

    The non-JWs are dogmatic. The priest asks questions and doesn't listen to answers. He interupts and doesn't stick to a point. I found the video irritating and annoying. I am in now way a JW apologist but the JWs didn't get a chance to actually say anything without interuption.

    Kate xx

  • Jeffro


    Well, I'll grant that the taller Israeli knew his stuff but boy does he sound arrogant, swishing his water bottle around, telling the other Israeli to look up the scriptures for him and saying in an emphatic manner, "Listen" before embarking on another round.
    Perhaps it's a cultural thing, but he comes across as pushy and dogmatic.


    The non-JWs are dogmatic. The priest asks questions and doesn't listen to answers. He interupts and doesn't stick to a point.

    Sounds no different to any other evangelical preacher.

  • Jeffro

    Calebs Airplane:

    JWs love to brag that they know more about the Bible than any other religion. But this just isn't the 80's anymore... In fact, as this video illustrates, JWs are finding it increasingly difficult to defend their beliefs because they invariably get schooled by guys like these... By the way, did anyone notice how these guys engaged in 80's-style JW "street witnessing"? You know, the militant kind that JWs used to practice when the "message" used to be "urgent" and/or "life-saving"... But notice how the passive "techy" old man quickly finds refuge in his tablet while the worldly preachers pounced on his partner... Really sad and pathetic... I'm sure they were both thinking to themselves: "Damn, we should have just kept walking and counted the rest of our time at the coffee shop down the street."

    There's always been 'householders' who've known a lot more about the Bible than JWs. When encountered, JWs have always just shrugged them off as stubborn' or 'unteachable' for not agreeing with JW dogma, occasionally with a false promise of 'doing more research on that'. And of course you're not going to hear about such encounters at JW conventions. If we had youTube in the 1980s there would be videos of the same kind of thrashing back then.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Of course they're arrogant. Religious fanaticism is ultimately just a form of arrogance. The absurd audacity and contradictions replete with the idea that your religion is uniquely 'the truth' and 'you are wrong' and 'I am right'.

    It's like two people on the street arguing which culture or race is superior and right.

    It's childish schoolyard stuff. The human race is gradually growing out of religious despostism and fanaticism thankfully, just as it has grown out of extremist nationalism and fascism. Cliques of ignorant religious bully boys like ISIS, GB, will over time make way.

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