Yadda yadda 2, I can only nod in full agreement with your comments.
Video of JW's street witnessing using a tablet ... getting owned by BIble users
by wannabefree 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
At 12:45, the dude is reading Ps 148 v 13. He nearly finishes it before saying to the dub, "i`ll wait up 'till you find it". On your slow-pad.
Anyone remember looking up scriptures at the meetings and racing to be the first? It meant you were more spiritual than the rest!
Or feeling embarrassed turning up Joel Micah or Habakkuk and your pages were still a cacophony of panicked rustling when everyone else had found it minutes ago? With some child bethel pioneer prodigy just shaking their head at you? Freaks!!
At 12:45, the dude is reading Ps 148 v 13. He nearly finishes it before saying to the dub, "i`ll wait up 'till you find it". On your slow-pad.
This reminds me of something I recently noticed about the 2009 revision of the Reasoning Book, which omits the entire section from the original version about what to say when someone says, 'I'm a Muslim'.
The original publication included the following condescending drivel (underlining added for emphasis):
If they make strong assertions concerning their beliefs, it can be beneficial to ask them, tactfully, to show you the point in the Koran, sura (chapter) and verse. (Wait while they search for it.) When they are unable to find it, some give evidence of greater willingness to listen to what you show them in the Bible.
If this jw was any good he would no to quote the scriptures that state the jews lost their inheritance,Matt.23:37-38, Romans 9:6-8, 30-33,, but any way him with that tablet what a joke he cant use it way to slow. Anyway they're arguming about semantics and whats even funnier is that the Jw always think they are the only ones that know the bible, this guy walked in to a bees nest and was too stupid to run away before he got slammed. Loved it!!!
True story: I went in service for the first time in over a year and a half. WHY??? Long story. Anyway, the Eldub who went D2D with me, never once cracked a bible. He used his phone for scriptures and liked to take lots of breaks for treats.
What would happen if he was called upon to defend his faith??
To Funny Data. When I was waking up I had alot of questions and studied a lot. The elders were not very smart i found just knowing the canned responces. I was directed to an older brother in the sister congregation as he was the wise one so to speak. All he could do is share copies of pages he copied out of the Insight books or the reasoning book. Could not think for himself and when I asked certain questions his brain would misfire.
We thought we were so smart as JWs but really so stupid.....
Data-Dog - "What would happen if he was called upon to defend his faith??"
His faith would say, "don't do me no favors"?
I bookmarked this a while ago and I've only just watched it. I don't think it's the JW who looks bad in the video, it's the arrogant prick giving out the orders and quoting parts of scripture like his rapping. Ya feel me, blud?
Israeli guy lost me when he decided to bitch about JW publications featuring a white Jesus. It's unbearable to watch idiots argue over moronic, fundamentalists ideologies.