I learned new info about the UN and the WTS

by Leander 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Leander

    Yesterday I had the chance to visit with Reborn and he graciously shared some of his research with me. Out of all the things that he presented one of the most shocking for me was the WTS involvment with the UN.

    I had been previously aware that the WTS was registered for 10 years as an NGO. However they made the claim that they were not aware that one of the requirements of being an NGO was that they needed to publish information that cast a favorable light on the UN. In other words the WTS was required to print propaganda supporting the UN. Needless to say my jaw nearly hit the floor when I saw the Awake magazine where the WTS praised the UN for many of its efforts. This same religion that accused the UN as being "the disgusting thing" and "Satans organization" was now literally being spoken of in a positive way. Furthermore how many times was this union with the UN mentioned to the rank and file by means of literature or verbal annoucements? The answer is 0

    Truly sad is the best way to describe the actions of the WTS in this matter

  • biblexaminer

    Hey... have you been living under a rock?

    I have heard of folks who spent the 60's medicated, and awoke in the 80's to the shock of their life.

    But man, this is old news.

  • lastcall

    It's not old news to everyone. Besides it is worth repeating. Perspectives are nice too. Stories like this never cease to amaze those of us nesting under rocks.

  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea

    BibleExaminer: Examine this: ...

    Leander: I am so glad that you met with Reborn. I love to read his posts and judging from them, he seems pretty level headed . The UN thing is what opened my eyes. Once I found out about that and found out it was true by seeing the information on none other than www.un.org (I mean, how could apostates rig up un.org to comply with their accusations??)...which led to reading other cover-ups, which led to reading about false prophecies, the stuff it their literature....on and on. For a while there, it was like TMI. I thought my brain would explode. And it is unbelievable, isn't it? I ask myself, why didn't I see some of these things sooner?? The answer is, I did but just ignored it.


    "Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them."
    -Walter Kerr

  • willy_think

    Old news well hidden is not much deferent from new news. you understand if the WT was aware of that criteria, there would necessarily be issues (one per year) that kiss the UN's collective ass, these issues would be sent to the UN to show that the WT IS meeting it's obligation as a NGO, if they didn't know there would be no magazines praising the UN and no WTs on file as documented support for the UN. if you look you will find the evidence of the WT meeting there obligation as a NGO.

    The Great and Powerful Oz:

    pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
  • Rosco

    Which past issues of Asleep, URRRR I mean Awake would be best to point out to my brother the "Sleeping with the UN?"


    When I told my wife about it she said she did not believe it. I showed her the article and she said "Anyone can wite an article..it does not mean it's true"...(wish she would use some of that logic while reading her WT)...anyway..I said fine...lets call them and ask. I got the Broklen phone # and then called. I had my wife on the other phone. I got transfered about 5 times (began to wonder if I called my cable company by mistake) and finally got someone willing to talk. He confermed the article and gave the reason of library card. After the call my wife said see they had a good reason. I told her that if I was a JW I would be PISSED. It's like your mother telling you not to be getting involved with this boy you like because he is a bad influence. Then you come home early one day and find her in bed with him!! Again she said "they had a good reason".

    (throwing my hands up in FRUSR8TION)


    OK I feel better now.

  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea


    Try this:

    There are several links to scans from their articles. I think the best thing to do would be go to this website and note the date and page no. of each article and let your brother see it for himself on his WT CD.

    Also, here is the link on the UN website that explains the requirements of an NGO associated with DPI:

    If you want even more info:

    And Frusr8td...I know exactly how you feel!!!


    "Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them."
    -Walter Kerr

  • sf

    Hey Bible Examiner ,

    How are you doing these days? A smile always comes to my face when I see your posts.

    For a long time myself and a few others have been 'pumping' all this info (documents, news articles from the gaurdian, randytv, and hawkaw's infamous thread here, on this very issue) into other message boards, yahoo chat rooms, paltalk chatrooms, many other chatrooms and also a gammit of media outlets as soon as it comes off 'the wire'.

    The reaction, up until now, has been very unsavory, to say the least. Yet we kept 'pumping' it out. I pasted Norm's incredible insights into WT literature there. It got many conversations and conferences going. What ever was going on that had ANYTHING to do with this cult, a few of us were gathering up the 'intelligence' and taking to the internet community...THE PUBLIC. The reactions have shifted dramatically now because of THE PROOF that DATELINE is going to air. Some confessed to me that they SAW THE TV PROMO'S. They can no longer deny it, thus now.........

    They are questioning the UNITED NATIONS 'issue' and if it could indeed be true as well, as that is another issue we kept 'pumping' into the jw communities online, DAILY.

    It's simple, the way I see it. In many of there minds NOW they are saying "if this pedophilia cover up is TRUE, what else is TRUE that has been 'pumped' into their communities, online, in the last three years?"

    They are scared and nervous, many of them. I am noticing in yahoo, many of the 'elite' jws that went elsewhere while the 'pumping' got too fierce for them, are returning. It's an interesting dynamic to observe right now.

    I did notice also, that the jw neighbors did not have their friends show up for field service like the last two weeks. An older man spent the night there with the guy who owns the green car. I almost immediately got a sick feeling, yet had to quelch it because I don't want to get into that mode of thought that says 'they are ALL molesters', ya know?

    Boy, I didn't realize how much I had to 'vomit'. It's been along 5 years on the net now. I suppose I'm about to 'unwind' a bit.

    Catchhhhhhh meeeeeeeee when I fallllllllll.......

    {{{{{{{hugs Biblex}}}}}}
    Sincerely, sKally

    Too many 'lambs'!

  • cyrano


    Tell your wife that the 'library excuse' is an outright lie. She can email Dana Loytved, Senior Reference Librarian - UN/SA Reference Desk
    United Nations Library, New York, E-mail: [email protected]

    Dana posted the following procedure for library access which does NOT require NGO status and has not changed since 1985.

    Your wife may contact Dana at the above email if she doesn't believe this.

    The procedure for a library pass is the following: the
    interested party needs to fill out an application form
    and supply a letter of recommendation in support of
    the research. If the needed material is not available
    in a UN depository library (the list of depository
    libraries is posted at:
    http://www.un.org/depts/dhl/deplib/countries/), the
    application is approved and sent to UN Security. UN
    Security checks the application and, if approval is
    granted, instructs the Pass Office to issue a library
    pas for the applicant.

    The issuance of a library pass is independent of NGO
    status or any other status. There has been no change
    in the library pass policy.

    NGO representatives with UN grounds pass do not need
    to apply for a library pass since the grounds pass
    will allow them to use the UN Library.

    Best regards,
    Dana Loytved

    Senior Reference Librarian
    UN/SA Reference Desk
    United Nations Library, New York
    E-mail: [email protected]

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