I learned new info about the UN and the WTS

by Leander 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Reborn2002

    Thanks for the information guys.

    So Leander thankfully your eyes have now truly been opened.

    If you were to email the addresses given here or contact the United Nations office in New York for yourself, you would discover that the Watchtower "excuse" that they registered as an NGO for access to the public library is nonsense.

    Hell, if your really thinking about it,EVEN IF THEIR EXCUSE WAS LEGIT, how can the "only organization which is God's sole collective channel on earth" define the UN as the "disgusting thing of the nations and the image of the wild beast which is Satans tool" and then proceed to affiliate with it IN ANY WAY and on top of that, go to it for information?

    Thoughts to ponder.



    Would dearly love to present this to her...(I actually had found all that info. monthes ago too.)....however the "apostate sheilds" are to strong for my "free thought" torpedos. Now whenever I bring anything even REMOTELY sounding apostate all I get is "hmm...that's nice". It does me little good to try and explain anything..(even non JW related)..to her. Her father was VERY abusive (all 3 forms) and when ever I start to sound like an "authority" of any type I can almost see the picture of her father sliding down in front of me. How ever someone else (female) can tell her the same exact thing I did and and she comes to me going "hey you know what I heard?". Thank god she is now (3 weeks) in couseling and at least acknowledges the fact that she does this. Little by little....I shall be patient.

  • cyrano


    I can relate to the 'watchtower shield' because I used to be one of those J'dubs. No one could tell me anything critical of the watchtower without the 'shield' going up.

    Indoctrination is a bitch. No one could make me see the 'truth' about the watchtower. I actually discovered it myself while browsing the internet and coming accross H20 and other sites.

    Hopefully your wife will discover for herself the deception of the watchtower. Unfortunately, it may take some time before this happens. Maybe with your help and others can finally break through one day.

  • Yerusalyim


    Now follow up on the phone call to Bethel with one to the UN so your wife can hear that the Society didn't have to be an NGO to use the Library.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • NewLight2


  • Reborn2002

    bttt for newbies

    Learning about the UN involvement and other scandals may prove vital for the influx of new members and lurkers in the past few months.

    Happy reading.

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