I bet all Jdrones will want to be on the JW.TV
Is the AGM today?
by hamsterbait 207 Replies latest jw friends
life is to short
Chris Tann
I believe that there is going to be a special meeting televised in every congregation in November. This may be the event for the "shocking" announcement.
@Chris Tann, the meeting in November is for the U.S. only, I believe (and maybe Canada). It's the Zone meeting. They don't call it Zone Visits any more... Branch Visits, I think. Anyway, to my knowledge, this is limited in audience to the U.S. Branch. At least, that's my understanding.
Again, I say, I think the org is watching this site. "Gog of Magog" change plus TV? Both questioned / suggested in the last two years right here on JWN. The "Gog of Magog" link was posted earlier in this thread. I just found this one, though.
JW GoneBad
How many of the 8 million+ Jehovah's Witnesses plus their 11 million+ studies are anxiously awaiting the highlights of today's annual meeting? My guess is a high percentage!
It didn't take but an hour or two before such XJW web sites as JW Survey and JWLeaks and others were accommodating everyones' wish and desire.
All someone needs to do is type the search words...'Jehovah's Witnesses 2014 annual meeting' and wallah...front & center!
While 'Mother' is taking her sweet time putting the highlights on its own jw.org web site-anti JW sites have beat her to the punch. Its' already old news by the time WT updates JW.org with the highlights. And what's more...these loyal and active JWs are taking the time perusing other pages on these XJW sites and finding the real 'truth' about Jehovah's Witnesses! Yay!!!
yadda yadda 2
haha very true JW GoneBad. That's probably why the Mormon website shows their AGMs (General Conferences) live-streaming on their official website. It's happening right now as we speak on lds.org. (uncannily similar timing as the JW's AGM).
JW GoneBad
What usually happens when someone gets a bum rap and is blamed for something someone else is guilty of? You would think an apology would follow and most of the time that is the case.
That's not the case today with WT's annual meeting.
For decades the WTBTS in its publications has fingered Satan as the 'Gog of Magog'! Well today the GB have stated publicly that Satan is off the hook and that someone else will fulfill that nasty role.
WT's does not have much of a meek and humble history of offering apologies for mistakes and errors toward anyone so poor old 'Satan' don't hold your breath!
Geez Louise, they're changing stuff so often/fast that it would be a wonder that anyone could keep up. I can imagine the conversations; "oh no Brother, that's what we believed week before last, the new teaching is 'yadda yadda'". And then someone else will say; "wait, I believe that was changed at last night's Service Meeting".
"I am Jehovah, I have not changed"
Has anyone established if this 10 hour and bethel missionary thing is true? From what I can make out it was not discussed at the AGM so sounds like speculation.