fastjehu: 10 hours Pioneer: Just another hurdle for the MS & Elders
I agree. We can expect future guilt trips along the lines of: "The slave has now made it sooo easy to pioneer. You only have to make 10 hours to join the ranks of pioneer! Surely we all can and should be pioneers! What could possibly prevent you from pioneering?"
And think about this: who will refuse to be a basic pioneer? Every indoctrinated dub thinks in glowing terms of pioneering, so the only publisher who would refuse to reach out to at least be a meagre 10 hour basic pioneer is . . . yes, you got it - an awake publisher. So expect this new basic pioneer provision to become a tool used for sniffing out those who are not totally loyal to the GB. Non-pioneering could become like the new inactive.
It could become a new tool to manipulate publishers to do at least 10 hours of service or face being viewed as lazy or disloyal to the organization. It could be difficult for awake JWs to give just a token 2 or 3 hours a month without being hasseled as to why they're not reaching out to at least be a basic pioneer.
This 10 hour basic pioneer requirement doesn't bode well.