With this new light on the identity of Gog, whenever a govt. bans the work of JWs, you'll hear the JWs saying that they're part of Gog's forces and this action is evidence that Gog is getting ready to attack. Who knows, maybe the GB expects to be banned soon in some countries and this new light is just a way of taking in front, so when they do get banned they can always play the Gog card and tell JWs not to listen to any news by the Gog govt. which gives reasons for the ban.
In essence they could be laying the groundwork for the term "Gog" (or "Gog's company") to be used to demonize any govt. who bans them or investigates them. "Gog" will become the apostate label they slap on govts who are not favorable to the Witnesses and who may publish news items on the JWs that contain TTATT. The Watchtower is probably feeling the heat from Russian and other govts. I hear the charity commission in the UK is currently investigating them. The Watchtower probably expects the proverbial "$s#it to hit the fan" in the near future and so they're using this new doctrine to get JWs looking critically and suspiciously at govts who are critical of the JWs. That way if any govt. bans them and gives reasons, the JWs would have been pre-indoctrinated to disregard any damaging, confidential information that govt. sources have to say about JWs.