TV.JW.ORG is coming!

by Oubliette 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nicolaou
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  • CaptainSchmideo

    I remember a very strict, militarist JW elder made the following statement: "If Christendom does something a particular way, then God's people should do it 180 degrees different." I wonder what his reaction will be to this development.

  • Vidiot

    nugget - "How long before some meetings are streamed via the channel?"

    Much sooner than we'd have thought, the way things have been going.

    In fact, at this point, the right question might be, "How long before most or all meetings are streamed via the channel?"


    "How long before most or all meetings are streamed via the channel?"

    I frankly don't see this ever happening. My guess is that the channel will be primarily for non-JWs and extra-meeting material.

    The WTS is all about control and obeisance. The incessant in-person drumbeat is essential to the indoctrination that fuels their arrogated authority. Risk the chance of sheep using their DVRs to fast-forward through Public and Student Talks on obedience and loyalty to the organization and FDS? or Accounts "Report"? or, OMDG,... blowing through the entire Watchtower Study?

    Not to mention the temptation to binge-watch recorded meetings when/if they "have time" --winkwink.


    If anything, I expect the beatings on "not forsak[ing] the gathering of ourselves together" to increase exponentially, if that's even possible given the amount of bleating on the subject that presently prevails.


    Captive 7/1972 - 2/2001

  • OneEyedJoe

    I agree , they'll never be able to stream all the meetings. Cults are primarily social constructs, without the social element of the meetings, it would fall apart. If you don't have a group of peers to guilt trip you about missing meetings, why go?

    Most likely, they'll use the TV.jw crap in a similar way that they use the DVDs, etc now - there'll probably be a monthly q/a part on the service meeting to make sure everyone watched....I mean.... to discuss that month's talk.


    JW.ORG is for dubs. They need to retain their membership. I don't think the WTBTS can worry about new members right now. They talk a big game about people flocking to the mountain of Jehovah, but they are desperate to keep the current population of sheeple.


  • Gustv Cintrn
    Gustv Cintrn

    Any important org nowadays has online channel, some channels; the modern JW will just consider this as merely moving along with the times and technology. No big deal as some here are making it out to be.

    If this is real, then, good move GB!


  • tootired2care

    Now they have really gone for the death knell. Their plan is most likely to make it so that children have no excuse to watch worldly TV, or youtube. By doing this, they take away the only good source of education, that exposes them to free thinking, and that showcases the rotten history of religion and cults.

  • Magnum

    Gustv Cintrn: It is a big deal. For one thing, JWs should be a number of years into a panda-petting paradise now - not trying to fit in with a world that shouldn't even be here now according to them. Another thing: JWdom bad-mouthed and demonzied the internet not long ago. Also, this whole TV/internet thing is just so contrary to the methods/personality/feel/etc. of the JWdom from a few years ago - a JWdom that was more serious, dignified, not of this world, noble, studious, intelligent, etc.

    JWdom is hurting, and the higher-ups know it. The org is desperately trying to slow its descent. It is selling out by trying to become more mainstream.

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