What do YOU believe?

by new hope and happiness 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Actually i believe that truth does not exist, there are only points of view. What we think is truth today we may not think is truth tomorrow.

    for example today i may believe there is no after life. When you die you die. The self does not continue. Then tonight i may have a dream that a dead love one spoke with me. So clear in its intensity is this dream that i become convinced there is life after death.

    Is there not a small amount of dishonesty to assume think in black and white?

    For example on sunday i belived the kitchen chair would withstand my weight . This was suppoted by having sat on that chair many times. On sunday i was wrong...

    That is why i dont like asking direct questions , i like to hear the other persons point of view as i generally enjoy having my point of view tested...

    So the question " what is truth" i hope allows for construtive dialoge, and lets start from a specific point.

    What do you know about truth?

    What are you willing to learn?

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    So i would conclude that i think each person should seek their own truth, and do it with attention and sincerity- but to also keep an open mind .....:)

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Once you state what you believe, Someone will tell you why you

    are wrong.

    No matter what it is.

    It must be the yin and yang.

    I agree with you.

    I enjoy hearing other peoples point of view.

    One man sharpens the other.

  • crazyhorse

    Sometimes I think truth are just subjective opinions and facts are objective truths

  • Giordano

    I believe that every god has been made up usually to fill a void in our knowledge or to gain control over a tribe or society.

    We were stuck with the Desert god a mean bastard if there ever was. Funny how this god fit the Jewish culture to a tee. All of our known gods always fit the culture that invented them.

    Since these gods don't exist........... everything we know about them has been provided by humans.

    God worship is one of this planets biggest mess.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    As for religion i think this should only be defined by its actions.

    So join Green Peace, whatever it's up to you. But it's a shame some chooce such violent and destructive paths.

    Anyway what can be more healthy than when people of different belives debate and exchange ideas in a genial and cordial way. I think this is the only way to change thinking. Do you agree?

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Anyway my above point reminded me of how we conducted " the door to door work". With those under " the influence" of mind control ( such as i was) the best help i received were those that politely made a point and ended the communication. I mean they say i didn' t see their point of view and left me to my illusion.

  • Kalos

    new hope and happiness Good Question!

    In Sanskrit, truth is that which is always true (like whole is greater than its part or that which is always there, hence is the substratum on which things come, remain, and disappear after a while.. Fan revolves, yet for this to happen something that is not revolving is required as a platform-hence that platform is more important than the fan leaves.

    Similarly, we have accumulated vast amount of knowledge, received through perception. However there is no perception without the (spirit) perceiver who is independent of the things perceived, hence exists before and after embodiment. Your tools of knowledge is your senses and act of perception! Through senses or even through thoughts, you cannot know this perceiver. Because thought is actually, like memory, the representation of some experience or notion. Representation is like your photo which is statistic, but photo is not you which is dynamic—hence how can you know the dynamic through something static?

    We watch our loved ones age and die, and we assume that an external entity called time is responsible for the crime. But experiments increasingly cast doubt on the existence of time as we know it. In fact, the reality of time has long been questioned by philosophers and physicists. Actually,

    space and time are tools of the mind and thus don’t exist as external objects independent of life. When we feel poignantly that time has elapsed, as when loved ones die, it constitutes the human perceptions of the passage and existence of time. Our babies turn into adults. We age. That, to us, is time. It belongs with us.

    In 2002, scientists carried out an amazing experiment that showed that within pairs of particles, each particle anticipated what its twin would do in the future . Somehow, the particles “knew” what the researcher would do before it happened, as if there were no space or time between them. In a 2007 study published in Science, scientists shot particles into an apparatus and showed that they could retroactively change whether the particles behaved as photons or waves. The particles had to “decide” what to do when they passed a fork in the apparatus. Later on, the experimenter could flip a switch. It turns out what the observer decided at that point determined how the particle had behaved at the fork in the past. Thus the knowledge in our mind can determine how particles behave.

    In the Oct. 2010 issue of Discover, theoretical physicists Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow state, “There is no way to remove the observer – us – from our perceptions of the world … In classical physics, the past is assumed to exist as a definite series of events, but according to quantum physics, the past, like the future, is indefinite and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities”.

    Thus it follows: perceiver is independent of the things perceived, hence immortal. Immortality doesn’t mean perpetual (linear) existence in time but resides outside of time altogether. Life is a journey that transcends our classical way of thinking. Experiment after experiment continues to suggest that we create time, not the other way around . Without consciousness, space and time are nothing. At death, there’s a break in the continuity of space and time; you can take any time – past or future – as your new frame of reference and estimate all potentialities relative to it. In the end, even Einstein acknowledged that “the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” Life is just one fragment of time, one brushstroke in a picture larger than ourselves, eternal even when we die. This is the indispensable prelude to immortality.

    “Time and space are but the physiological colors which the eye maketh,” said Ralph Waldo Emerson in his essay “Self-Reliance.” “But the soul is light; where it is, is day; where it was, is night.” This perceiver as the substratum has been accepted as THE truth by philosophers like Goethe, Fichte, Schelling, Lessing, Hume, Spencer, Marx Mueller …… Among the poets of the West, we find many burnished intellects soaring into the cloudless sky of imagination and within their poetic flights they too have intuitively felt the sanction behind this immortal perceiver---Browning, Rossetti, Tennyson and Wordsworth .......... Hence truth is not subjective, and it’s never changing!

  • Justnowout

    Let me tell you what I believe. I believe Morpheus means more to me than he does to you. I believe if you're really serious about saving him, you are going to need my help. And since I am the ranking officer on this ship, if you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell. Because you aren't going anywhere else.

    That about sums it up for me

  • Terry

    Truth is an eyewitness account of reality.

    Eyewitness testimony is the least reliable.

    Truth is better than nothing--but not that much better :)

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