- Purpose?

by passwordprotected 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • pixel

    I loved the bit where he says that the Watchtower had asked a TV Production specialist how long it would take to create a setup like the one the Watchtower has pulled off. The answer was one and a half years, but the Organisation managed to do in just two months! Then he says that it's due to Jehovah that they managed to pull it off in record time....

    WTF?? Its just a camera with a desk and a sheetrock wall. It ain't a building.

  • j dubb
    j dubb

    Theres a lot more to it than that, pixel. Visit one of the other threads regarding equipment lists and implementation.

    But yeah, I think a 1.5 years is a huge stretch. Twit did a whole house in 7 months complete with offices, multiple sets, public reception/lobby with 1.2 million.

  • steve2

    PWP, good OP.

    The subtext is they're in for the long haul - which really does go counter to their increasingly lame references to the nearness of the end.

    All the "technological" encumbrances do is remind the large number of back-sliding JWs that they don't need to get out and witness because the internet - and now live streamed television - does it far more efficiently - and, if their reports are accurate, successfully in terms of literature requests and Bible studies.

    I doubt this "interest" will translate into the officially-paraded measures of success such as a resurgence of zeal for door-knocking...and the literature carts are "easy-peasy" for getting hours in before coffee breaks.

  • pixel

    My point J dudd is that EVEN if you add equipments, their installation, and more stuff, in no way it will take a year and a half. Just look at the movies being made on any city's street. High quality, and they transport everything on a truck. They built it in hours and take it apart in hours too.

  • leaving_quietly

    Good points in this thread. I had another thought:

    I smell another campaign coming on.

  • Finkelstein

    The Watchtower Corporation in one way or another is a commercialized religious publishing house, sure it fostered self

    support by using and devising false maligning doctrines but its a business hidden pretentiously behind a curtain of righteous virtuosity.


    Back in the 1930's when radio was being widely introduced to the public, the WTS. under J Rutherford organized its own radio broadcast,

    this newly created video production via the inter net is just once again exploiting modern technology for their own self gaining purpose.

  • Robert7

    I flat out don't believe that it took 2 months versus 1 1/2 years. That's way too much of a difference. Who is this guy they quoted? There HAS to be more the the story. If it's true, then there has to be a logical (likely business) reason besides "Jehovah's blessing".

    For one thing, the WT has free labor and can throw bodies at things. They also have money and may have thrown excessive money at it. It's quite possible a real studio would intentionally plan ahead and take longer to be more effective with resources and costs. Real studios may not be in such a rush as what was stated with the WT, and maybe it's normal to plan ahead and take a little more time.

  • Vidiot

    Simon - "How exactly does he do that? I'd love to hear a more detailed explanation from them."

    Same as anyone else in the televangelism business.

    Throw shit at the wall, if it sticks, it has God's blessing.

    No-brainer, really.

  • Gustv Cintrn
    Gustv Cintrn

    It is a very good business desicion. All important entities have online channel. Nothing new.

    I plan not to watch. However, my guess is that the GB will find a way to have us all tune in. Crafty bunch they are!


  • Crazyguy

    This was done to get more people directly to them and less to get to apostate sites by accident. Total information control, before to long maybe ones can get their stuff downloaded from this site as well.

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