Well, some here speculated long and hard about what the Annual Meeting would herald. Kilometres of words were wasted reasoning that this doctrine or that policy would change. And some even wondered if the organization would stream selected presentations direct to kingdom halls.
But no one had inside knowledge about the most revealing announcement: JW TV.
We can think what we like about this organization - but we did not see this coming. And the organization remains so well hermetically sealed that not a word got out beforehand.
Oh, I am certain that even the "six screens" (?) Ex-JW guru was not alerted by his claimed inside sources.
Of course, JW TV shows the organization is here for the long haul. What has been quickly set up in Brooklyn will be readily dismantled and set up in permanent form in Patterson/Warwick. There, the TV gloss slickness and pizzazz will mstch any other tele-evangelists!
This must be so exciting for hard-core JWs but for those who are less that fully committed to this milleniallist leftover from the 19th century, just a tad disturbing. The one and only chsnnel of God's truth on earth has just become that much more mainstream - and indistinguishable from other religious groups who use tele-evangelism ( Mormons especially).