Letter Re: JW Broadcasting

by pixel 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2

    Perhaps the deal with Roku means that when you go to jw.org and access their jw tv videos and streaming tv (via Roku), there will be no advertising other religious channels?

  • stuckinarut2

    Here in Australia, there was no mention of Roku at all...

    I read the letter at our meeting, and there was nothing about that.

    I wonder how they will do it here in Australia?

  • Justnowout

    although i think its signifigant in its establishment and mentioning in official branch communications a specific worldly company, dont let be taken to afar afield by roku. Roku is simply a device to bridge a tv and the internet. especially for older people it seems to have wide appeal because of its ease of use. Most tech savy people use tablets or laptops and tie them to their tv's or have smart tv's to begin with. People in countries where roku isnt mentioned or isnt available will easily be able to get the rubber faced buffon lett without it. However as i stated, i think it is extremly noteworthy that they mentioned this device by name and created the channel for it. It seems that when they wrote the app for android and IOS they crossed a bridge and headed strait out to sea!

  • Apognophos

    I know what you mean, Justnowout. Those of you who weren't at the 2013 AGM probably don't know this, but when the techy brother was on stage introducing us to the apps, the convention hall's screens filled with the logo of each OS for a few seconds -- the Apple logo and the Android logo -- as they began the demo for the apps on that platform.

    Seeing those logos writ large on the screens, by themselves on a black background, felt strange. It seemed like the audience was uncomfortably silent. I've never known the Society to mention brand names from the platform before, let alone to blast their logos in our faces. I suppose there was never a reason to mention brand names of products before this sudden tech adoption phase that they are going through.

  • hildebrando

    Is that the full letter?? I distinctly remember hearing the letter at the KH. There was a phrase that stood out to me. It was odd because it really seemed to equate the GB with Jehovah. This is the goal of the GB, as we all know.

    I just cannot remember the exact wording.


  • lurkernomore

    Data - dog I'd be interested in seeing that!!!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    According to my calendar, it is now November 3rd. Why is the most current governing body offering dated October 2014?


  • skeeter1

    Well, my JW relatives called to tout Roku to me.   They didn't tout JW.org, but rather all the interesting Smithsonian TV that it carries.  They are really enjoying watching Smithsonian TV.   They made no mention of JW.org to me.  But, then again, I tell them flat out that it's not the "Truth", but rather, "The Lie" and I call it a "cult" straight to their face. And, they still call me!  

    I told them that I get a ton of science and history documentaries on Netflix and Amazon, that I enjoy.  Not buying Roku.

  • Splash

    I heard recently that a nearby kingdom hall has just installed a roku. This will likely be to fulfill the recent letter to all congregations instructing them to organise monthly jw TV screenings for all those who do not have internet access at home.


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