berrygerry this is Jacqueline speaking (ptt7000) very funny indeed. I like your sense of humor! lol
Lambsbottom in answer to your question on my being naive when I became a witness at 12 years old. In those days you went to church. The Bible Students didn't require the children in the meetings with parents but the society introduced this. Then later sitting directly with your parents for indoctrination. I had no choice and I was a very zealous JW. I really was not aware of how treacherous and bad they were until I noticed this thing called the governingbody. I began to get nauseous when they kept saying their name so much at our meetings. (CO lived on grounds and would pop in unannounced) I really left because the policies of the governingbody and most of their doctrine didn't make sense although I accepted it. Now I have freedom and Liberty in Christ an association with persons of like mind and character, free to visit or go to international conventions and others all over. Every convention is on different subjects. Still have hundreds still in in my family. Sometimes it is a nightmare but I have adjusted.