The org uses "Emotional entrapment and manipulation" rather than factual substance....

by stuckinarut2 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    Since when has any religion ever been based on 'facts'?

    Yes but we thought they were facts, it was sold to us as fact, it contrasted with churches who "had no factual basis" ,so we thought. The old Wt articles went into detail to show why the conclusion was reached . The people were taught to use the Scriptures , now they just hand out fliers and call it ministry.

  • sir82

    Again, following the Mormon model.

    For example, the Mormon story of Israelites somehow migrating to North America is fully, 100% proven to be a complete fiction. So the Mormons have turned to emotional manipulation to retain & recruit.

    JWs are just following a tried & true "business" model.

    Their first model was the Adventists, now it's the Mormons.

  • punkofnice

    It's all part of the propogandist's toolbox. The WBT$ will exploit any mind control tactic and any form of appeal to the hilt. After all, the protection of paedophiles is of paramount importance to the WBT$ so they will do whatever they can to get the ackers rolling in.

  • Billyblobber

    Pre mid-90's; almost no one had the time or resources to actually research the concepts they talked about.

    We could 'reason and determine it was true,' because we didn't have all of the facts, and were basically using their logic to say their logic is true.

    Now with the Internet, and any information at everyone's fingertips - they can't control the information that we use to research any more, so they have to do emotional appeals only. The old 'facts' will quickly fall apart (ie. 607 BCE and the concept us 70s-80s JWs learned to caulculate the years, which is proven to be bunk with simple Google searches).

  • Vidiot

    done4good - "That is precisely what happens when one's beliefs are no longer logically defensible."

    Took the words right out of my mouth.

    Once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls...


    ...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended!

  • Vidiot

    sir82 - "JWs are just following a tried & true 'business' model. Their first model was the Adventists, now it's the Mormons."

    Hadn't thought of that, but yeah, it makes a lot of sense.

    Pentecostals and Southern Baptists for the JWTV side of it, though.


    Know what's funny?

    I told a coworker (who knows all about me) about the JWTV / televangelism stuff, and the first thing she said was, "they must be getting desperate".

  • stuckinarut2

    Desperate indeed vidiot!

    Desperate to appear to be progressive, but really they are just putting lipstick on a pig

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