One of the most terrible things that WT did to me growing up was not allowing me to fit in with the other children. It is very important that we are accepted by our peers but in every aspect of my life growing up I was made to feel different, to not fit in. The religion puts my self esteme down so low it took years to build it up after I left the cult. I only feel sorry for these youngs ones that have to put up with these man made beliefs.
A Nice Story.
by Wrath of Jehu 22 Replies latest jw friends
Separation of Powers
Sounds a lot like my personal experience, but I was three at the time and finishing primary school with my sights on Oxford or Cambridge. You probably remember the article where they interviewed me for my stand against saluting the flag. I recall I said the following,
"I can not adulterate myself by prostating before an image that by all intents and purposes is an idol. Like the faithful young men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, it doesn't matter if you were to take hold of me and cast me into a fiery furnace, a conflagration capable of turning me into ash before I touched its lick of flame, I will not yield to your request. I am a worshipper of the Most High and to him alone I will bend the knee!"
I apologize if my word usage was not perfect at the time, but please remember...I was only three. I recall my pronunciation of Abednego was not perfect at the time, but my teacher understood me. I don't believe my fellow students did....they were all watching Barney the Dinosaur.
How is denying a child the joy of birthdays, when there is no logical Scriptural reason not to celebrate ones birth, a nice experience?