One of the more astonishing developments within the organization in recent years is the muting of the more "out there" behaviors of this once fiercely confrontational and proud end-times religious group.
Members were unapologetically no part of the world and couldn't give a rat's ar*e what you thought of them.
Whereas the organisation fostered an outlook of warning the "wicked" world of the imminence of its destruction at the hands of the Almighty - and spared no effort in doing so - nowadays the organization is sucking in its more "loose cannon" elements. In the place of these elements is a sparkling, smiling, airbrushed group of worshippers who parade their wholesome settled lifestyle to win converts. They exude a softly appealing normality with not a hard heart in the house. Soft and cuddly prevails!
Tellingly, JW TV has no special doctrinal section and conspicuously absent are any graphics aimed at stirring up sentiments about the world's imminent destruction. No crashing churches and dying priests here, folks. Oh, sure, there will be videos on the topic - but not sign-posted as major categories ( which focus instead on Young Ones, the Family etc).
JW TV oozes an unmistakable middle-of-the-road tone, bland, inoffensive, cosy and widely welcoming. The subtext is, 'We're here for the longer term so keep turning to us for encouragement and godly direction'.
Those who have watched Mormon TV streaming and then tuned into JW TV will note striking similarities, the airbrushed loveliness of the smiling masses being stand outs. Sure, Mormon TV is more brazenly spectacular, self-referential and narcissistically grand - but if the opening days of JW TV are anything to go by, those folk in Brooklyn/Patterson are rapid learners. As JW TV finds its feet, expect smoother, more widely smiling, more confident self-promotion. You will need to remind yourself they are JWs, not Mormons.
What would Rutherford make of his brainchild moniker JW/Jehovah's Witnesses being promoted to its present slickly branded level? He'd heave an impatient and cynical sigh and exclaim "Religion is a snare and a racket" - but I bet he'd stay on standby, ready to count the incoming cash from an appreciative audience who cannot get enough.
Welcome one and all to the continuing metamorphosis of this fabulous organization as it makes itself comfortable in an old "old system" that simply refuses to end.