Ok, internet TV, some new songs and updates on a couple obscure prophecies no one cares about... is that all?
I for one was so disappointed at the smallness of it.
I guess I bought the hype that when they said "big", they meant it.
Big would have been a hard look being taken at the disfellowshipping arrangement.
Or an updated more scripturally accurate stand on blood.
Maybe a better arrangement than the existing elder arrangement?
I have heard the suggestion (from elders) that a good revamp would involve making only a few elders per circuit responsible for hearing judicial cases. This would leave the elders free to be shepherds (what they are supposed to be anyway but arent) and allow for careful training and supervision of the ones deciding the future of our young people who happen to fall in to their hands. This would prevent a measure of the cavalier decision making that goes on since it would be easier to monitor and see who is responsible for what.
Instead of anything which would cause me to take a second look or think they are serious about the Bible, we get a lame TV station and some songs?
Oh! And we get to know who Gog isnt?
I could not be more under whelmed.
So my question is: is this IT?
Was this what all the excitement and hoopla was about or is there more to come?
I hope someone can tell me they are leading with the shallow stuff and bringing out the deep stuff next.
Otherwise this hallmark 100 year date is starting to remind me of a toddlers birth day party.
A few glittery crowns, some cake and they are happy. It takes a little more to impress once they are over the age of 3 or 4.
So is the fake and glitter all of "the big changes" or is there more still to come?