Is This ALL the Society Meant By Big Stuff Coming?

by millie210 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DesirousOfChange

    Of course not. They're just whetting people's appetites for the real news- they're bringing back the Hoagie sandwich for next summer's District Convention.

    That's only half the news. The other half is you have to bring it from home. Recipes and instructions can be downloaded from JW.bOrg


  • sir82

    Oh, a thought just occurred to me - maybe the GB will start treating the AGM sort of like the Apple "roll out a new product" events.

    A boisterous adulating worshipful crowd, charismatic (well, sort of) leaders trotting out "the latest" technological wizardry, standing ovations, the audience willing to throw gobs of cash....

    Yep, I see the AGM becoming a sort of JW / Apple hybrid meeting.

  • 3rdgen

    I too, was thrilled to learn who Gog of Magog isn't. The question had plagued me for decades. BOC thanks for the furthur clarification.

  • jgnat
  • millie210

    Ok thanks, you guys are making me laugh and that is good. I was seriously bummed when I started this thread but leave it to you to bring balance back to my thinking!

    I wish I had a like button for each of you.

    Bring on the hoagies recipe!

  • hamsterbait

    Dropping the type/ anti type stuff is a big disappointment. I loved reading the old Ezekiel book, with its accounts of Oholah and Oholibah getting their boobie squeezed.

  • Londo111

    Just don't bring back Shasta cola!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    That's only half the news. The other half is you have to bring it from home. Recipes and instructions can be downloaded from JW.bOrg

    Actually, rumor has it that will be broadcasting a new cooking show entitled "Cooking for a New World."

    The recipes for convention hoagies, burritos and Muff-n-Eggs will be featured in the first episode. It is not known which GB member will host the show.

    Soon thereafter, a spinoff cooking show "Grillin' and Witnessin'" will be released, starring Tony Morris (III). The premiere episode "Burnt Hot Dogs" is not to be missed.

    From what I understand, Tony is anti-propane and pro Royal Oak Hardwood Charcoal, a.k.a "Kingdom Coal."

  • DesirousOfChange

    The 2nd cooking show will be presented by Gerrit LoschSam Herd and will feature weiner schnitzel, sauerbraten, rouladen, knoedel, spaetzle, and potato pancakes.............

    The following show will be hosted by Sam Herd and will feature.........................

    [OK OK I'm not going there.]


  • sloppyjoe2

    Can we get the cheese Danishes again?

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