i knew some that were very happy for you and others, along with their families, that were envious of someone's advancement.
Be Honest: Were You Ever Jealous When Someone Was Appointed a Pioneer, MS or Elder?
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
I don't remember ever being jealous, but I remember being disgusted/mad/irritated because I knew the appointee was brown-nosing, lying, lazy, show-offish, glory-seeking, ignorant, etc.
Yeah, if you knew the person was not the righteous person they presented at the KH you kind of questioned the notion that it was all guided by infallible holy spirit and wasn't just a bunch of easily fooled guys rewarding a suck-up.
The real genuine people never seemed to advance in quite the same way.
I was never jealous for anyone else. I was actually happy, believe it or not.
Agree with Magnum and Simon. Most I was like WTF?! Knowing the people personally really didn't help as I knew what they were really like (I'm so negative!) the fact that some were my age and younger made me think who the hell are they to give me guidence and counsel? Obviously I never showed a humble spirit lol.
Also I hated the fact if a aux/reg pioneer was missed off the list that was read from the platform they got upset and made a big deal about it. Obivously not doing it for show eh?
I was jealous of someone getting appointed when I was reaching out. Once I signed up for priveleges I realized what a thankless job it really was and was asking how do I step down.
Now when I hear of someone being appointed I think you poor sucker.
Only once.
Back when I was single, I was pioneering and attented 99% of all the meetings. I was reaching for it and the body knew it. My CO even asked why the heck I wasn't a servant. I didn't know. I thought I was doing everything I needed to be doing.
Then, out of the blue, the coordinaters 17 year old son, gave a #3 the week the CO was here, and the next week was announced. He literally did nothing. Minimum service, hardly commented, gave talks like Ben Stein. Irritated me and a few others who were genuinly "reaching out".
Seemed like a nice case of nepotism.
I never had any interest in being an MS. My reaction was always irritation at the prospect of being pushed into it, knowing that they'd use the newly appointed kid to try to guilt me into "reaching out." Especially when the noob was younger than me, which has almost always been the case for the past 8 years or so.
In a nearby congregation, no one was appointed an elder for a decade!!! The body did not feel anyone was qualified but the existing body of elders. However, they had more ministerial servants than any other KH. Finally, the COs wrote to the Society and lo and behold, they created new elders!
Never, I knew what kind of crap lay ahead for them.