So who knows/knew William Malenfant?

by L3G 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • L3G

    Since a previous thread is getting comments that this guy may become a new GB member, the topic above is worth pursuing. Here's what I found out by searching so far---in other words, not much. Surely others must know something about the guy.

    This has a pic of him (second speaker).

  • wifibandit

    Other sheep. Ineligible. His Spanish is good.

  • Londo111


  • JustVisting

    Bro. Malenfant has given District Convention talks in the Spanish going back to the early 90's. To my recollection, he has been on the Teaching Committee for some time as a GB helper. In other words, he is definitely a big wheel.

  • SadElder

    First met Bill Malenfant in the Washington DC area some where around 1968. I was just a young sadelder then. He and his wife (name esacpes me) were both warm and quite interested in the young people at the gathering we were attending. Later, when doing some special work at the Bethell around 1980, we crossed paths again. He was still the warm person I remembered. He was in the Service Department then, so I can't say what they have done to his outlook since then. He was under the the thumb of Ted "the boss" Jarascz, so anything could have happened.

  • Apognophos

    His name, when translated, means "Bad Baby'. That's all I got.

  • GrreatTeacher

    You just beat me to it, Apog!

  • Apognophos
  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Remember that there is a strong rumor going around that "being appointed" (to the Governing Body) is a sign that the person has been "annointed." Whether that "anointed" means that he is an actual member of the "heavenly class" or is just allowed to be equal to them on earth - that will be the theological question that will have to be sorted out.

    Remember that Fred Franz made a direct statement back in the 1970s that there would be no more "anointed" anointed after the 1935 "class" passed on to their heavely reward. Of course, he was sure that Armageddon would come in 1975-76 - and he stubbed his toe on that one.

    Let's face it - the Governing Body will have to deal with this issue sometime very soon - as there is always some turnover every ten years. Just because some CO or former DO out there claims to be "anointed" does not mean they are next in line. Same with the 8000+ partakers still drinking the kool-aid (sorry, I meant Manischewitz red table wine made from circumsized and kosher "blessed by rabbis" holy red grapes untouched by pigs or rabbits) - there must be a few quality elders out there who could step in and fake it as well as the current bunch on the GB.

    My contact who has connections to WT HQ suggested this several months ago. [See halfway down the first post on the 3/21/2014 thread at]

    Namely "Appointed" = "Anointed." If the holy spirit whispers in the GB ears that Jehovah wants 38 year old wealthy business man elder COBE with a PBS documentary narrator's voice, they really have no choice but to select him as an add-on or replacement. After all - it is the HOLY SPIRIT! He'll wake up the next day just knowing (as they all did) that he is something special and the living is good at HQ and all the sisters will swoon over him when he gives a talk on or at the next big convention. Yep, that's pretty much a sign that you are "anointed."

    This is not a big deal for the Governing Body. After all, they know that they can say or do anything and get 100% compliance and acceptance from the R&F. If they don't, there will be repercussions like no more "Happy" dances at Kingdom Halls...


  • Ale Rubio
    Ale Rubio

    Hello Wifibandit,

    Do you know of anyone else that is named in the recently leaked Committee's list who belongs to the other sheep class? For instance, Mark Noumair?


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