I saw him once giving a talk. Whatever.
So who knows/knew William Malenfant?
by L3G 20 Replies latest jw friends
Is he related to
Does anyone have any new info?
If there are any new younger members of the GB then it will be a huge blow
most feel this current crop will be the last and if any younger ones come then it will be very faith damaging
St George of England
William Malenfant gave a talk on the DC I watched last weekend, Sunday morning symposium.
I thought Mark Numair was a future GB member in waiting but in a recent talk he said he was really looking forward to being on earth during the 1000 years so that probably blows my theory.
i wonder if Ralph Walls or William Turner are being groomed for replacing Sam Heard. We certainly see a lot them both of recent.
They’ll find a way to get around the ‘ must be anointed’ problem. It evidently will be God’s will
They’ll find a way to get around the ‘ must be anointed’ problem. It evidently will be God’s will
I'm not sure I understand.
Firstly, have they not already said there will come a time when JWs will be led by helpers only, because all anointed will be in heaven? Also, is it not the case you can be anointed without being a member of the over-fappers? In fact you can be anointed and not be the Slave, so....?? Or am I way off base!
After 1935 when the WTS said no new anointed were being called (except for replacements for "anointed" who committed the "the unforgivable sin), gradually the # of male anointed jws declined significantly. Before that all the appointed positions were held by anointed male jws. Eventually, the WTS realized that "great crowd" male jws would have to be "used." I don't know how the increase in the anointed over the past 20 years has affected this trend, but the WTS now teaches that shortly after the "great tribulation" all the anointed will be in heaven for the marriage of the "bride of Christ" to Jesus. Thus no more on earth. The WTS teaches that the non-anointed male jws will carry on with the direction of Jesus and the 144,000 from heaven. These non-anointed jws have been called "helpers" to the GB even now. How that is going to happen after Armageddon, the WTS doesn't say. But then the WTS says their god and Jesus currently direct jws on earth by holy spirit, but no explanation how that happens.
"He and his wife (name esacpes me) were both warm and quite interested in the young people at the gathering we were attending."
"Interested in the young people"? in 1968? That gives me the impression that he was NOT young at the time? So how old IS this man? 105? -
i wonder if Ralph Walls or William Turner are being groomed for replacing Sam Heard. We certainly see a lot them both of recent.
You mean we’ll need a new “Brother Token”?
Didn’t they recently bring over a UK branch bigwig, who recently started partaking? Gillies I think it is. Seems they’ll need a new “Brother Token European” to replace the visibly and steadily declining Losch.