Here's another one from the Simpsons:
Same episode:
by gopher123 91 Replies latest jw friends
Here's another one from the Simpsons:
Same episode:
Gopher, still no answer?
JWO Alum?
Berengaria, interesting thought. Here's a publication from the Watchtower from 1976.
Gopher123: don't be obnoxious or you won't be welcome here.
Consider yourself pimp slapped :) when the ebola scare quitly dies out in a few months, this will once and for all disconfirm the "hidden messages in tv shows" crap? Right?
Or is it more like it will again and again immune to disconfirming evidence like a religious belief..
Semen, I think it's best if you go back & read this entire thread from the beginining & see who STARTED the "obnoxious." Now I know things haven't been great for you since the accident... your birth... but..
Who forced you to click on a thread entitled: "The EBOLA conspiracy?"
Who told you to read through it?
If it was not what you expected...
Who told you NOT to send a private message if you had something to say to me personally?
Who told you NOT to post any evidence for or against the thread?
Who told you NOT to respectfully disagree with the things posted?
Who told you to butt into an issue that only concerned 3 posters that STARTED it?
But I get it. You bitched in public because you're an ignorant & filthy moon bat that can't let go of the past.
Anyway, you started it. I ended it. You bitched. I Pimped.
PS: And for the record... notice how you filifthy moon-bats who STARTED IT, are also at the same time quick to silence my free speech & disfellowship me from this site. Then you have the gaul to criticize the Watchtower when they do what you do to a far LESSER extent.
gopher: Then you have the gaul to criticize the Watchtower when they do what you do to a far LESSER extent.
gopher, i am super serious, you will no longer be able to talk to your family.
I just send them a letter and they will shun you from now on.
The only way to end this is by quitly lurking for a year.
Gopher, if you are really going to start trying to do the whole internet tough guy act then I would strongly suggest you don't try it with Simon.
By the way any chance of answering my question or are you just hoping that nobody notices that you can't answer it?