Hillarious. Hospital worker who handled Ebola on cruise!
The EBOLA conspiracy...
by gopher123 91 Replies latest jw friends
How, exactly is that hilarious?
I'm still waiting to be 'crucified' with facts, in case you forgot that you can't answer a simple question.
my god, i saw a cooking show the other day and they told people to put EBOLA in their food! or rather, they said:
"You can eat cola"
They thought they could sneak in this hidden message but I got the better of them; perhaps they thought so because "eat" sound very differently in my language and the evil illuminati satanist alien cucumberdwarfes didn't think i could speak english, but I solved their riddle and NOW THE INTERNETS KNOW!!!!
Can anyone tell me, if the illuminati is behind ebola, but ebola is also the plague the lord cast upon mankind according to genesis, would that make Jesus himself an illuminati member? it sounds plausible, since it is well-known the church, illuminati and builder-bob are basically the same, however isnt jesus the good guy?
take a deep breath and calm down.............. :)
Yes, it's a bit 'off', but hell, you can make much better contributions to the board.< breathe in, breathe out >
LOL, I get a bit panicked when the scientific folks on the board have severe reactions to relatively harmless, conspiracty-theory threads.Hey, how's the blood pressure doing? Are you calmed down now?
LOL, just had to give you a chuckle,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, calm down, it's OY- TAY! (and check SNL early episodes fot that reference).Much love to all.
Border Agent says FEMA preparing for 200 million deaths!
the girl next door
True story^
Why is the color GREEN popping up everywhere there is EBOLA... including my avatar?
A liberal push toward enviornmentalism?
A mind-control activator?
My my... even the RAKES are green!
and another:
WOW... OK...
So Kevin Spacey dies in the movie OUTBREAK!
Then he portrays Ron Klain in the movie RECOUNT!
And now the real Ron Klain is appointed EBOLA CZAR?
This is GRADE A, TEXAS SIZED, BULL-DUNG! But please keep telling yourself that there's a line between the movies and reality.
I get a bit panicked when the scientific folks on the board have severe reactions to relatively harmless, conspiracty-theory threads - talesin
Conspiracy theories are not always harmless. In West Africa one of the biggest problems being faced by MSF volunteers is the belief that EBOLA is a western conspiracy. See the slogan on the t-shirts above"EBOLA is real". It has led to the rapid spread of the disease and has cost thousands of life already. Doctors are actually having to wrestle infected people to take them away and treat/isolate them. This denial of the reality of the EBOLA virus will contribute to it's international spread and will kill thousands more.
In the west, gullible parents who fell for the conspiracy about vaccines led to the resurgence of childhood diseases and has resulted in infant deaths.
Ignorant, superstitious, frightened people like gopher are not harmless.