Sitting in an evening meeting, then suddenly realising it was home time and had spent it in a coma.
Sleep Paralysis - YOUR EXPERIENCES
by Black Man 33 Replies latest jw friends
I had the same experience as Undercover and they can be freightening. I use to have them while I was a JW but very rarely do I have them now. I read an article about them and it can be brought on by stress which makes sense why I have only had it happen one time in 2 1/2 years.
This used to happen to me a lot, too. I would be having a nightmare, then wake up and turn on the light. But then realize, I was still in the nightmare yet awake and couldn't move. Felt very suffocating. Then, I would awaken with a start, and get up and turn on TV or something to prove I was awake.
One time, I snapped awake, got up and ran to the door of my apartment, opened it, and fell into a black hole ,,,, still in the nightmare. Just thinking about it, makes me feel queasy.
It hasn't happend in years, though. Yay! Stress, makes a lot of sense as the cause.
Edit: First time I saw A Nightmare on Elm Street, part 2 I think, where she is in the basement, running ........ wow, I could relate! Very few films like that will I watch, but totally relate to that series. mwah haha, my dark side ....
Whoa...Talesin. That's too scary for me. My sleep paralysis experience involved my willingness to wake up early to deliver those dam newspapers in a paper route I had in Montreal. I sort of transitioned into a Zombie as the route somehow managed to get done.
Black Man
Yeah, I think it was stress related. I've been working long hours recently and have been exhausted. When I was in the JW's, I used to think that it was a demonic attack. I even remember having a sleep paralysis episode when I was at Bethel, which freaked me out at the time because I thought how could the DEMONS be getting to me at Bethel??!!
I've since learned that there are more clinical reasons for it and years ago learned to wake myself up or "control" elements of the dream that I was having. A friend of mine recently told me that sleep paralysis is the beginning of being able to do astral projection, which is probably a different conversation altogether. I may look more into that for sure!
I use this all the time.
It's a normal stae the body enters at REM sleep. Waking up in this state while not common is not dangerous at all. However since you main chest muscles are paralyzed it feels as if something is on top of you. Also at this point you are still in REM state even if not asleep. You can hallucinate.
To get out of it I have two recommondations:
1. Keep you eyes closed ... think of a place you want to be.. You might end up there in a lucid dream. This is what I do and I induce sleep paralysis often for lucid dreams.
2. one thing you can control in SP is your breathing. Breathe deeply, then shallow... vary it often... in a few seconds your brain will realize you are awake and end the paralysis.
As for Astral Projection i have not tried it yet... but I have an open mind.
I used to suffer with this when I was between 20 and 30, but as I got older this got less prevalnet. I have not experienced one for a while. It is generally caused by dischronization between various stages of sleep where my brain was awake but the body was still in sleep. I could hear everything and recognize light but I could not move at all. The initial feeling was always scary, I would like to scream but I could not. However, I could always control my breathing so I will relax and start to breath deeply. This will eventually awake my entire body.
cult classic
My best friend in high school had episodes often. She would tell me that she'd awaken from sleep and be completely immobilized. She estimated that the episodes would last several minutes. She would have difficulty breathing and felt as if something was pressing her body, holding her down. She'd fall back to sleep easily and never had a sleep study done.
She eventually outgrew it and hasn't had any issues since our mid twenties.
I want to party with Pam's Girl!!! Lol!! OMG, I can only imagine the headache that MD 20/20 would give me. I would probably travel on the Astral to the nearest Waffle House!
Seriously, I have had sleep paralysis. In a strange abduction experience, a figure would call me to a wooded area near my home. I would be forced to dance with this thing against my will. Creepy...but true. This abduction experience has not occurred for decades, but stress would cause me to have paralysis and see a shadowy figure in my room. I slept with a knife under my pillow for a long time and I would wake up screaming.
Sleep paralysis is very interesting.
I used to experience it a few times a year but mostly when I was a Jdumb, always thought it was the demons of course. One time I woke up like that and the sheet was over my face and it felt like someone/something was trying to suffocate me, that was scary but it was at my aunt's house, and I had a few weird experiences being at my aunt's house. I also used to have terrible nightmares about demons trying to get me, but those bad dreams stopped when I left the Jdumbs.