I had those my last few years as a JW. Very scary, but couldn't move or scream or anything. Was told it was demons. Once I left the wtbts I never had them again. Could be my age, I just grew out of it. But I think it was the relief of getting out of the wtbts.
Sleep Paralysis - YOUR EXPERIENCES
by Black Man 33 Replies latest jw friends
People in my dreams can surprise me by things they say - for instance asking me a question to which I do not know the answer - and then they tell me the answer (but how can that be if everything is generated in my own brain?).
i had similar, thought it was strange.
no lies please
I've had sleep paralysis for as long as I can remember usually about 3 or 4 times a year. Until about 2 years ago it was always accompanied by a feeling that an evil presence was in the room and a feeling that something was sitting on me. After some research I learned that if I approach the experience without any fear then this would eliminate the feeling of an evil force. It worked. Even though I continue to have SP there is no fear or feeling of evil around me. Nor does it feel like something is sitting on me.
I then learned that sleep paralysis accompanied by a vibrational sensation means you're on the threshold of having an out of body experience. With some practice I can now say that I've experienced this too. Very real. There was a feeling of being in a higher state of awareness and I could see my surroundings and body lying beneath "me".
no lies please
@flamegrilled: I could have written most of what you said word for word! I love my lucid dream state. I'm also amazed that people in my dreams tell me things I don't know. Weird. LOL