Noonehome-that has to be the dumbest BOE on the planet. I've heard of greedy eyes, treacherous hearts, feet that run quicklyto evil, but a mis-behaving ear? Geesh!
My appeal was successful. Now what?
by noonehome 38 Replies latest jw experiences
My lovely wife already knows better than to try to turn me into the elders for a violation of their rules as I've told her and them, point blank, in my home, that I am through with wasting my life following them anyway.
A breach of trust between us wo uld be devastating..................................................................for her as, not having been in the work force for 15 years depending upon the Jehovah will provide as long as I stick to him mantra, she recognizes that she would be in big trouble if I withdrew my support.
The last time a couple of elders were in my home trying to corner me on some point that equates their organization beign figurtively the modern day ark and that I needed to be on board, I told them that we could talk about the bible all day long if they wanted but that I wouldn't be chastised or bullied by them in my own home and that they were not in a kingdom Hall.
Faders: why do we bother staying in?
Leave when they ask you to stay. You have the perfect set-up now.
So now they are asking you to stick around. Time to get goin'.
A scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid reminds me of the handy exit you have devised by reverse psychology:
Butch enters the saloon - he would rather rely on his brains than gunplay, and so he interrupts an impending shoot-out:
Butch: We seem to be a little short on brotherly love around here.
Macon: If you're with him, you'd better get yourselves out of here.Butch: (urging his partner) We're on our way. Come on.
Sundance: (with his head slightly down) I wasn't cheating.
Butch: (now more urgently as he drops down beside him) Come on!
Sundance: (louder) I wasn't cheating.
Macon: You can die. For that matter, you can both die.
Butch: You hear that?Sundance: If he invites us to stay, then we'll go.Butch: We were gonna leave anyway.
Sundance: He's gotta invite us to stick around.Butch: He'll draw on ya. He's ready. You don't know how fast he is. (He moves around behind his pal) I'm over the hill, but it can happen to you.
Sundance: That's just what I want to hear.Butch: Every day you get older. Now that's a law! (Macon cocks his pistol.) (Butch rises and moves over to the gunman) What would you think about maybe asking us to stick around?
Macon: What?
Butch: You don't have to mean it or anything. Just ask us to stick around. I promise you...(Macon refuses to listen and gestures sharply for Butch to move away. Butch hesitates, turns toward his pal, and softly advises) I can't help you, Sundance.
When the gunman realizes the identity of his opponent - that he is up against quick-draw "Sundance," a horrified, dismayed look crosses his face. As they stand facing each other, the gunman humbly apologizes to the fearsome killer with a deadly reputation, and then requests a display of Sundance's expertise as a gunman:
Macon: I didn't know you were the Sundance Kid when I said you were cheatin'. If I draw on you, you'll kill me.
Sundance: There's that possibility.
Butch: No, you'd be killin' yourself. So why don't you just invite us to stick around? You can do it, and easy. Come on. (coaxing) Come on.
Macon: (blurting out a subliminal apology) Why don't you stick around?
Butch: Thanks but, hah, we gotta get goin'. (He scoops up the Kid's winnings into his hat.) -
I think you need to decide why you wish to still be considered one of Jehovah's Witness. If it's just for the one friend, and she won't associate with you, then it seems kind of pointless to me. I get that you think being a Jehovah's Witness might still be a better way of life, but being shunned by a friend and disfellowshipped for no good reason doesn't seem like a good life to me.
If you just want Christian fellowship then there are good churches out there that have nice people, uplifting services and opportunities to give back to the community without the harsh, negative aspects of the Watchtower.
life is to short
Find another woman!.
Loyalty is no1. is it not?....
Your sister is she not more inportant than a person that stabs you in the back?. which love or loyal companion does that?.
How many people can you count on your fingers that are there for you, actually that would come to help you.
Most in the truth are not there for you, they have a pretense of being loving, but when it comes to the bottom line how many can you count?.
I have "real" friends out of the truth, people i can count on if i need help without asking they are there.
When i was in the truth i could say i could count on 1 hand those whom were close. and of those maybe 3 that were loyal.
All those are out now as well!.
Ponder this for any that remain inside hoping others will change.
Proverbs 13:12 - Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
So much in this thread I can relate to ... but I'm witholding information on my story, as the ordeal isn't over yet. But thank you to the OP and others for sharing your experiences.
Now what, you ask?
It looks like the opportunity to "feel saddened at heart" over how these imperfect men treated you in the name of God and begin responding like a person who has been "stumbled" by their actions. No more Field Service. Significant drop off in meeting attendance until you are there NO MORE.
Then...........move on with your life.
[EDITED] About this matter: Only now the person I care about the most and largely the reason I’ve kept trying all this time feels like she should “limit her association” with me.
F&%K that bitch. Time for reverse-shunning. If you think you need a person like that in your life, time for some serious counseling.
The greatest revenge is to live a happy and successful life!
"It looks like the opportunity to 'feel saddened at heart' over how these imperfect men treated you in the name of God and begin responding like a person who has been 'stumbled' by their actions. No more Field Service. Significant drop off in meeting attendance until you are there NO MORE. Then...........move on with your life." - Doc
Make sure they catch more than your ear the next time you associate with your sister.