The more people who leave the Witnesses, the more people will leave. True?

by ThomasCovenant 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThomasCovenant

    If more faders stopped fading and just stopped,

    would more of the many closet unbelieving attendees just stop too, creating a momentum?

  • punkofnice

    A 'what if' question.

    In theory it's fine but there are many factors involved including being shunned by family, losing jobs and a host of other stuff. The WBT$ has made it hard for even faders to do a bunk from the slaveholdery.

    It would be nice to see the WBT$ crash and burn but they employ strong thought reform tactics to enslave the rank and file even if they don't believe the WBT$ lies.

  • pbrow


    I would clarify it by saying the more people who wake up and let it be known that they are awake the more people will wake up. Fading plays into the Jdub mentality... By fading you allow people to guess or assume why you left and it will mostly be assumed you are weak. Punk is correct about everything he writes but in my opinion if more people would stop pussyfooting around and just make it known why they leave the more people will wake up. You can not give a shit about what people think and fade and that is fine but if you have any inkling to help others wake up you cannot fade.

    It is another matter to stay in and help spread TTATT, but if you have to get out, fading is how the organization wants you to leave. For almost 30 years I did what the organization wanted me to do..... no more. I remember an interview with Ted Jaracz (allah rest his soul) saying in an interview once something to the effect of "if they want to leave they are free to just go away"


  • Da.Furious

    My answer will be NO! Not much will leave. The hardcore JW's will say this was foretold in the bible in the end of days Jesus will be cleaning his house and this is the sign. This will eventually make some people start thinking and believe this i the only true religion.

    My answer is based on this:

    First answer shows how JWs twist the facts and news to their own benefit.

    Da Furious

  • Phizzy

    Over the years here on JWN we have debated if there ever would be a mass exodus, the concensus was that ,no there never would be.

    Those who are still in, yet know TTATT, are in a wonderful position though to sow seeds of rebellion within.

    Even to hard core JW's, by pointing out that the GB has long said they are only men, seeking direction from Heaven they say, but point out the times in history that direction was evidently lacking.

    Point out that people must follow what they clearly see to be truth from the Bible, and to follow their own Bible-trained conscience, not the conscience of other men imposed upon them.

    Gradually the Iron Fist of the G.B will rust and crumble, then freedom for you and your family will come.

  • ThomasCovenant

    ''Those who are still in, yet know TTATT, are in a wonderful position though to sow seeds of rebellion within.''

    Yes, they are in a wonderful postion to sow seeds of rebellion. But fading, by it's nature, means not sowing any seeds of rebellion.

    And so it goes on.

    Personally I don't think it makes much difference to other witneses whether another person 'fades' or just ups and leaves.

    For me, my conscience and personal principles of honesty and integrity would no longer allow me to have anything to do with the religion once I finally realized what it really was.

    For others I understand that fading is better for their individual circumstances.

  • punkofnice

    This is how it will look in AD 7014 when the GB finally expire!

    Phizzy - Gradually the Iron Fist of the G.B will rust and crumble, then freedom for you and your family will come.

  • millie210

    I think the arguments above for no are sound ones.

    However, I think there are MANY witnesses that stay for social and emotional reasons.

    Lots of "followers".

    If the key people they love would leave it would make it easier to leave also.

  • Justnowout

    Its a good question and my personal is view is "yes". And "no".

    it would help and encourage perhaps a few to see someone leave because they realized it was BS.... but in the minds of many others it would only serve to reinforce the BS. It happened to me. I saw a few 'wake up' over the years. It didnt help me. I just wasnt in a place where i would benefit from seeing it.

  • pbrow

    millie210... I agree people stay for social reasons but if they do they are helping to enforce the cult mentality for the next generation of kids growing up in the organization. An individuals reason for staying does not matter. If you stay in you are showing the future generation that its ok to stay in. I think of all the men that I looked up to when I was a kid, I found out when I grew up that they were almost to a man just in it for their wives or family. By their inaction they created the illusion that it is ok to be in the organization. My view on every one of those "men" has been drastically changed, they were nothing but spineless doucebags in spineless sheeps clothing.


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