University Application Personal Statement dilemma - Should I mention my jw past?

by will-be-apostate 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    I used to think non JW people looked fondly at such attributes and skills..... now with ten years distance from WT, I would never mention it in a million years.

    Here is some perspective, imagine a smiley, clean cut guy walks in to an scientific interview and says expectantly "I'm very good with people, I audited people as a scientologist for 10 years..." or "As a mormon preacher, I developed skills to talk and interact with strangers."

    Selling a cult door to door or from platforms is not a skill most are looking for. Don't get me wrong, just like a good scientologists there are Jw's out there with fantastic interpersonal and auditory skills, but it is all in the context of selling untruths, ironically it was wholly anti-science, I would 100% NOT mention it. WT has a reputation of indoctrination, dictatored manipulation without the freedom to question or think for onevself, with a mindset of suspicion for reason and science. From talking to many, many people, to my shameful realisation, when admitting connection to such a religion, at best, the average joe will just think "weirdo." With chemistry in mind, this is the same organisation that said Aluminium was a metal, literally from the Devil.

    Having been through UCAS, you simply need the minimum academic grades to not get binned at the starting line, then evidence of your interest in the topic and finally, yet importantly, you need to show them you have extra curricula skills, experience and a good work life balance.

    Despite what Watchrower told you all your life, they have hindered not helped.

  • Comatose

    If it were me, and I was going to give out that info about the hoky crackpot religion I was in, I would give more info than less.

    " I participated in conventions of the church that my family belongs to where I gave interviews about self development, time management, and personal growth by means of study habits. The ability to feel at ease in front of thousands of people is not easily learned, but I am very comfortable in the spotlight. Although I am no longer attending a church or a part of the religion I was raised in, I am happy to have developed those skills. Because of the church's influence on my parents, I was never presented with the opportunity to learn at a university. Now, that I have put my education and personal development first and foremost in my life, I have an opportunity to better myself and put some of my public speaking skills to work."

    Honestly, I didn't think through what I was typing at all. It may not work for you. But, rather than hide the religion, I might be sure to let them know that although I am not religious now, at least I have a skill that could be useful to them now.

    Maybe you get some pity votes too. I would choose a Muslim or a Quaker who had left their faith and were trying to better themselves over a "normal run of the mill" applicant.

  • Comatose

    Welp, now I am embarrassed. Snare&Racket has been there and done that, and is out for longer than me. So, weigh your options carefully. I trust Snare over me.

  • cultBgone

    I already had my degree, and decades of solid work experience, but in my resume I listed 20 years of public speaking experience, volunteer work in the community, etc. Never, ever mentioned that it was church-related as that will awaken any bias someone may hold.

    Just put your skills in general "volunteering" terms...I was never questioned and sailed through every job interview after leaving the cult, receiving job offers without having to fight for them.

  • snare&racket

    Not at all comatose, all our opinions are legit.

    I would add, contrary to what others say (sorry), I again would not try to imply that hawking Watchtowers and spreading indoctrination from the platform is voluntary work. Neither is helping carry bricks in the building of indoctrinatiin centres.

    Voluntary work has the implication of doing aid work. Choosing to be a JW and all that involves is indeed voluntary and indeed work, but in no way is it offering aid to the community.

    If you use that term, be prepared to explain what you mean by it. If there are interviews they will ask. Somehow through watchtower articles and personal stories within literature, the JW's had a belief that they can refer to their religious activities as voluntary work, totally misunderstanding that other religions do 'voluntary work' such as soup kitchens, helping the homeless, providing financisl charity aid etc etc.

    As a JW i knew it was a cheeky thing to imply on a CV etc and I have no doubt you know what I mean by that. Academics aren't silly, they will expect to hear stories of feeding the homeless or mountain walking for cancer research, not handing out leaflets or building the property portfolio for Watchtower.

    Again......just my humble opinion.

    P.s. jobs where public speaking and sales are central, arguably mentioning the JW skills may be beneficial obviously. For me, I think the downside of being attached to the belief system far outweighs the benefit. I want to start teaching medicine in university and have already begun teaching on the wards and clinical skills department, but I have not and would not ever mention the 20years of bible studying I did.

  • zeb

    "away with him" nah you are being too hard on yourself. Guess where you learned to do that?

    perhaps; I was in a lay preaching work- volunteer- and that entailed public speaking and a high commitment. I have moved on from life and wish to ...blah blah.

    I wish you the every very best.

  • hassan73

    I'm with S&R.... I've stopped using it and went and volunteered at a real non profit organization which has meaning to me. Just my 2 cent

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Sorry for the delay. . . . I've been in classes all evening!

    It was applying for admission to the university. Just looked up my essay. Here's the pertinent info in the essay:

    "When I graduated from High School in 19**, I decided to volunteer for a local ministry work as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. . . ."

    later in the essay. . . .

    "My volunteer efforts reached a high point in 2***- 2*** when I was privileged to serve as a congregation elder at the ******* congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. During that time I was regularly involved in local proselytizing efforts, offered guidance to congregation members wishing to achieve personal goals, and presided over the Theocratic Ministry school, an in-house public speaking and teaching program designed to help individuals improve their personal ministry and teaching skills. . . ."

    So yes, I was very specific, and of course, full of shit.

    I never said, "I now fully reject that religion and am an atheist." What I think I was trying to say or explain in all of this was What the hell I had been doing for the past twenty years since graduating HS!

    Honestly, for an engineering program I don't think they'd think twice about your religious background. Even though engineering is based upon science, it probably has a higher percentage of believers than most of the sciences.

  • snare&racket

    Lol BoC, I miss your honesty and straight forward spproach ;)

  • steve2

    You want to be very careful about mentioning any kind of specific religious involvement - even if it's in the past.

    You could say that in your life experience to date you have had multiple opportunities to develop and practise your public speaking skills, including those on presentation and delivery and that you'd be happy to provide details if required.

    But on a 'more practical' note, emphasize those qualities and skills that are more directly relevant to a chemical engineering course - I'd seriously doubt that public speaking is one of them - although I'd concede it could be indirectly helpful (but who knows?)

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