It's called a PERSONAL statement, so make sure they remember you when they are done and 1000 applications have been read.
Mine started with me describing the incident that led to me applying for medicsl school. I ended the PS with a quote. Aa for the meat of it, I filled it with all the things I knew they have to see in a PS for it to go into the yes pile. Voluntary work and a reflection on it. Evidence of commitment to the topic. Mersonal reasons for wanting to do medicine. My extra curricular acitivities that indicate a balanced life style with skills that were positive for my degree.
In medicine, voluntary work is vital, so I named the doctors i worked under, where i worked, what i learned etc etc. I went and worked at international sports events, I worked for a charity, i shadowed doctors.
Explaining my youth and path to application aged 27 wasn't as easy. I did not discuss the Watchtower organisation at all. I focused on how well I had improved in academic ability from age 16 to the exams I took age 26. In the interview, I was asked why I had such a huge chasm of difference in ability. Can you imagine me trying to explain my desire to pioneer at aged 15 with contempt for Satan's system and the futile world of academia? How would I put into context the illustration a C.O. once gave when discussing education and careers, he compared any effort in this regard as "polishing the brass on a sinking ship." That perspective and illustration dominated so many desicions and feelings towards my schooling and career. The image I formed in my head when I heard that sentence, remains. I was wholly convinced armageddon was 'around the corner'.
So no...... I didn't go there, I said I didn't spply myself when younger.