This is part of the speech that Anthony Morris III gave during his time in the limelight at the 2014 Annual Meeting.
At 3.16.32 of the recorded meeting. "What role do those with an earthly hope play? OH oh ho Veeeery important role, very important. This illustration, the sheep and the goats teaches us that those with the earthly hope have the honor of loyally supporting Christ’s brothers I remember telling a friend of mine once where i wasn’t treated too well in this particular Branch territory, and I said to my friend, well it’s not me they need to worry about, it’s my Big Brother, THAAATS who they better worry about. Yeh, hmm, we had to pray for those brothers over there, (LAUGHS)."
In other words - you bully, you better be nice to me or I'll stick my big brother onto you.
It would appear that the Branch wasn't co-operating with the wishes of the GB.
How sick is it that one of the very top leaders of this organization get's on a stage before hundreds of his followers and damns a Branch of it's very own organization. What a snake. He points the finger within his own organization and says that they will have to worry about Jesus' judgement. All through the public talk the GB members talk about the wicked slave as being hypotherical as well as various other mentions of wickedness in other parables, it just doesn't relate to them.