A quick peek at the most embarrassing facts gleaned from PYRAMIDOLOGY and " Jehovah's Witness"

by Terry 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    Measuring the Great Pyramid of Egypt reveals exact prophetic dates.

    That was the crackpot theory of so-called PYRAMIDOLOGISTS.

    Among the men who promoted this silly idea was the founder of the Watchtower Publishing Corporation, Pastor C.T.Russell.

    He did not originate pyramidology, but he copied the work of The Astronomer Royal of Scotland, Professor Charles Piazzi Smyth
    as well as another fellow named John Taylor (The Great Pyramid (1859) and built a grand bit of humbug theology
    around it published and distributed all over the world.

    Two of the most "significant" dates in all of human history were sourced in these pyramid measurings:

    1874 (the exact return of Jesus Christ invisibly) and 1914 (Armageddon).

    What modern day Jehovah's Witnesses do NOT know and will never acknowledge is this:
    pyramid dates as the TRUTH was believed, published and taught from 1876-1928.

    Another thing modern JW's will never admit: the name JEHOVAH'S WITNESS was first set in print about the GREAT PYRAMID as well.
    Here is the quote. Write it down along with the reference below:

    "A few years after Prof. Smyth's return, came the suggestion that the Great Pyramid is Jehovah's "Witness."

    Russell (1891). Thy Kingdom Come. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. ISBN 0-9728243-2-4. (p. 320)
    C.T.Russell (1891). Thy Kingdom Come. pp. 309–376. ISBN 0-9728243-2-4.

    Here is a last bit of delicious irony.

    In 1924, Judge Rutherford published an article referred to the Great Pyramid as "the Scientific Bible" and added that measurements on the Grand Gallery inside the Great Pyramid confirmed the dates 1874, 1914 and 1925.

    1925 was the famous blowout date for the return of "ancient worthies" about which the Judge said, "I made an ass of myself."

    Just four years later, Rutherford did one of his famous about-face reversals.

    Wheras previously the Watchtower had taught that the Great Pyramid was probably built by Melchizadek, or Shem;*

    Rutherford now said the Great Pyramid was constructed "under the direction of Satan the Devil." **

    November 15, 1928 Watchtower, p 344


    What can we take away from all this?

    The Great Pyramid was built under Satan's direction.

    The Great Pyramid was Jehovah's Witness.

    This denomination was named after something Satan directed.




    "It is quite probable that Shem, son of Noah, a faithful servant of God, was in charge of its construction. In it have been discovered some of the deepest secrets of geometrical, geographical, astronomical, and mathematical science. The pyramid also outlines in its own peculiar way the same plan of God that we find in the Bible, and it dated beforehand some of the most notable events that have occurred in the history of mankind. It gives the date of the exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt, and the date of birth and death of Jesus. It gives the date of the French revolution as 1789, and the great World War as 1914, besides many more. It was built over five hundred years before Moses wrote any part of the Bible. It is so far in advance of the wisdom of that day that no man could have been the architect. Its harmony with the Bible teachings prove that God designed it."


    "It is more reasonable to conclude that the great pyramid of Gizeh, as well as the other pyramids thereabout, also the sphinx, were built by the rulers of Egypt and under the direction of Satan the Devil...The Devil, by the use of the descendants of Ham, set up Egypt, or the land of Ham, as the first great world power. Then Satan put his knowledge in dead stone, which may be called Satan's Bible, and not God's stone witness. In erecting the pyramid, of course, Satan would put in it some truth, because that is his method of practising fraud and deceit."

  • pronomono

    Great article, Terry. I never knew the Rutherford side of Pyramidology. I have been learned. :)

  • Terry

    Pyramidology itself, like most crackpot theories, originated from a person well-respected and believable as a no-nonsense authority.

    Professor Smyth simply wanted to prevent Great Britain from adopting the metric system.

    By arguing the British "inch" came from God--Symth hoped to preserve Britain's means of measuring.

    Why would Smyth care? Well, as Royal astronomer, his work required a lot of figuring in distances. Smyth didn't want to have

    to convert all his work (in inches and miles, etc) into metric millimeters and kilometers!


    One of the most peculiar crackpot notions arose at this point. It was a made-up unit of measurement coined THE PYRAMID INCH which

    its inventor stated was within 1/1000th of the British inch!

    By measuring inside the passageways leading into the Great Pyramid, as well as asserting that the pyramid was built under God's direction,

    this rather flamboyent and ridiculous argument was offered as "proof."


    The famous phrase, MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE became a sermon preached about the year 1925 backed up by Great Pyramid


    When the year passed without resurrections, the Watchtower Society simply bided its time. 1925 was a total bust, but THEY WOULD NOT ADMIT IT.

    Just consider the following attitude of hard-headed reluctance to admit error:

    A full 4 years after the prediction was made, Beth Sarim mansion was built in California for the stated purpose of "housing ancient worthies" with a silly DEED of ownership dreamed up which made local newspapers go wild with hilarity and mockery.

    In the Society's magazine CONSOLATION this was said: " As early as 1920 Judge Rutherford pointed out that the ancient witnesses or princes were promised an earthly resurrection by the Lord. In that year he delivered a public address at Los Angeles, California, entitled 'Millions Now Living Will Never Die,' in which he called attention to the expectations of the return of the men above mentioned. All the publications since emphasize the same fact. It therefore appears that the return of the princes is a fundamental teaching of the Scriptures. It is as certain as the truth of God's Word."

    Now is this stubborn unwillingness or is it lying or is it pure delusion?

  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks again Terry, great stuff!

  • designs

    You just need to differentiate a little more between the Bible Students who accept the Giza myth and the JW religion that rejected it.

  • sparky1


    Even after the death of Charles Taze Russell and the denunciation of the Great Pyramid by J. F. Rutherford, the belief in PYRAMIDOLOGY did not go away. John and Edgar Morton raised up the standard and continued to espouse the crazy and crackpot ideas of PYRAMIDOLOGY.

  • Terry

    designs: You just need to differentiate a little more between the Bible Students who accept the Giza myth and the JW religion that rejected it.


    Tell me more! What did you have in mind?


    The Watchtower Society uses "authorities" and quotations the way a sailor on shore leave uses whores at a bordello.

    The publishing of speculation AS GOD-GIVEN FACT is real problem.

    There is nothing half-way about wrong-headed citations of "THIS means THIS."

    Russell and Rutherford set the pattern.

    The GB continues to this day to run roughshod in a whimsical fashion through many variations of total committment (and subsequent abandonment)

    of CERTAINTY based on . . . fluff.

    If they only had the humility to be perfectly clear where speculation and conjecture begin, there culpability would vanish.

    Everybody is entitled to an opinion.

    But, the WTS doesn't acknowledge their theology is ALL opinion.

    They boldly pass off guesses (crazy ones) as though it were dictated by an angel of Jehovah.

    They are clearly FALSE prophets, and shameless ones!

  • designs

    By 1930 when Rutherford and Franz had the JW concept in mind they had pretty much jetisonned all Bible Student theology including the Pyramid stuff.

    What I think confuses people is that while these guys made this huge shift in beliefs and started the new religion they kept publishing that they were the descendents of the Bible Students, as tho the Bible Students diappeared of the planet. It was clever, sort of like apostalic succession, but the two religions are so different its a connection that doesn't really work.

    I remember the Revelation Climax book making this BS to JW connection via Russell for purposes of God's continuous blessing, but when I pointed out how different they were and that the BSs are still around it got me shunned at the Book Study.

  • galaxie


  • nowwhat?

    where was the 1924 published article?

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