A quick peek at the most embarrassing facts gleaned from PYRAMIDOLOGY and " Jehovah's Witness"

by Terry 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finkelstein

    Just to add to Terry's excellent analysis of the involvement of C Russell's involvement with Pyramidology .

    Professor Charles Piazzi Smyth had a pyramid shaped monument placed as a tombstone as had Russell.

    How far mens minds can go when they are subjected to their own ignorance and imagination.

    Russell's association with the Freemasons and their ideological concept of the structural form of the pyramid,

    with god at the top, must have really stirred up the imagination of Russell and his dispositional era theories.

    From all of this fueled inspired imagination and ignorance a religion was spawn, the Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • galaxie

    New religion ..1930s?? Who was anointed in 1919 then? Same old crew same skewed religion they just changed pyramids for some other fantasy.

  • designs

    It was a shift on the order of say the leaders of the Presbyterian church all becoming Pentecostals.

  • sparky1

    "Why those RAT BASTARDS have rejected my pyramid and created a pyramid scheme of their own!" - C. T. Rusell looking down from heaven and commenting on Jehovahs Witnesses Modern day GOVERNING BODY (tm)..........................

  • Finkelstein

    Still from out of this ignorant speculative theory, the return of Christ and what was to happen to mankind, was perceived to be such an

    engaging marketable commodity for the WTS. to endeavor themselves in, notably from J Rutherford onward.

    From this singular idea hundreds of millions of printed literature was published and spread around the world.

    Based from an expressive doctrine which was fallacious in its foundation originality.

  • erbie

    Terry, that's priceless. Thanks for posting!

    I have a friend who's an ex Freemason who was kind enough to show me his exclusive members books.

    As you would expect, the name 'Jehovah' is very prominent among Freemasonry, hence the reason it is so precious to the Witness cult because of C.T. Russel's connections with it and his obsession with pyramids.

    If only the greater number of JW's would open their minds and do their homework...

    Good work and again, thanks.

  • FFtruther144

    Thanks Terry

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Thx Terry....

    Good question to ask:

    "Would you have become one of "Jehovah's Witnesses" if you had read and known about all of this insane, non-christian pyramidology?"

    As we have learned from Steven Hassan... 'If the answer is no, then you can conclude that you were in a cult.'

  • Terry

    If you have a spare moment, go to this compilation of END TIMES (Eschatology) teachings with plenty of footnotes:


  • Quendi

    Ah, the beauty of the Internet! Thanks, Terry, for sharing this information. I thought I knew all about Witness history when I was a member of the cult. However, because I implicitly trusted the Governing Body, I accepted its sanitized, bowdlerized and whitewashed accounts as the gospel truth. I never wanted to believe that we would be deliberately lied to about the organization's past with respect to prominent personalities and leaders as well as doctrinal development (untruthfully called "new light" by WTS prebends). Without the Internet, much of this information would never see the dissemination it currently enjoys; and even though rank-and-file Witnesses remain blissfully ignorant, they can avail themselves of the truth if they will only make the effort.


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