Please Give Me Your Thoughts On Unusual Elderly Behavior....(thanks)

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I've known him for a few years. He's always liked me. He has always had a twinkle in his eyes. He always has been a schmoozer and wonderful with his family and everyone loved the guy. He has some money, he is not rich but lives fine. She has been referred to as a gold digger and evidently tried to land a 90 year old living in the condo area just a few years ago. The daughter gone wind of it and squashed it. The thing is, he was idolized by the family and now has told them to pretty much screw if they don't like it. This past Christmas when he was down last, he was telling me and his son in law the graphic details of his sex life with the soon to be missus.

    i think there's something wrong with him.

  • OnTheWayOut

    She may well be the gold digger, but he married her already. All the family can do is isolate him by trying to interfere after the wedding. They should tell him they love him and wish him well. I hope such a terrible thing happens to me if my wife passes away when I am that age.

  • jgnat

    I just buried my crazy mom. But then she'd been crazy a long time, so I was used to it. I have known for years I wasn't written in the will. She still deserved to go out the way she wanted, which she did.

    Whatcha gonna do? Commit him?

    I'd let him have his fun.

  • ptt7000

    I hope he has an irrevocable trust account like I did. When the JW brother married me he was unaware and tried to get me to put his name on everything including bank accounts. He wanted beneficiary changed to him instead of children. If your father refuses,like I did, the Mrs. will hightail it out of there really quick if a golddigger.

    Also these are stages of grief and he needs to enjoy himself at eighty. But try to nudge up to him and say, go for it, but don't change the will until you have been married 5years. Normally, however he will spend it all on her and there won't be a need for a will. Wish you well.

  • skeeter1

    How many dead, ex-husbands does this chick have?

  • blondie

    Some men do think with their pee-pee, young or old. (a quote from my husband, Irreverent)

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    With just a few sentences, I don't know quite what to think...

    There was a brother. His wife died after 50 plus years of marriage. One daughter. He went on vacation alone, went to the KHall , met a younger sister. He was 80. She about 67. She gave him the eye. They got married quickly. From the beginning she had an agenda. Get his property, his money and pensions. All of it. In 3 years he was dead. A quick funeral, no obituary, cremated, she was packed, her many children came and drove the moving truck, and mom was outta there. His only child inherited absolutely nothing, not even her mother's wedding china. Nothing. The new Mrs. had packed everything up immediately, put the house up for sale and moved across country.

    I met her soon after they were married. The room was full of his friends. She was not interested in knowing any of us. She acted like a stuck up bit$h. After seeing, and comprehending, she was in the marriage for herself and what she could get out of him, literally, I purposely sat beside her and graciously, pointed out to her who was who and what they meant to her new husband and shared with her, that we were all interested in helping her have a long and happy marriage, and that we were all welcoming her to 'the family'. Not interested.

    Gold digger? I would most certainly say yes.



    I can't blame the guy. If I was rich and single, I would have some plastic surgery and surround myself with beautiful people, just like Jubal Harshaw ( look it up ). We really get this one shot. Even if you believe in reincarnation, this is the only time you will be this YOU. Let him have fun.

    Just a funny story. My dad is 80ish. I was helping him through some health issues recently and.....long story short, found condoms in his desk drawer. He has been married for over 50 years to my JW mom. WHY would he have condoms in a drawer, in his private office?? My mom went through his stuff looking for cigarettes, and quickly palmed the condoms. She thought I did not see them, and to save her any embarrassment I said nothing.

    I have to wonder if my dad is sleeping around? Why else would he have those condoms?? I know it must be humiliating for my mom if he is. She is in a cult, but she doesn't deserve THAT. Pretty weird, right?!?!


  • minimus

    Dd, maybe he didn't want to be a daddy.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    My take on it. This woman is alienating this man away from the rest of the family, so I would be suspicious of her motives. I have seen too many of these stories. Next move she will get him to change his will so she is the beneficiary of most of his money. Maybe take out a big life insurance policy on him then watch out.

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