Please Give Me Your Thoughts On Unusual Elderly Behavior....(thanks)

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Thanks for your responses!😙

  • RubaDub

    I once saw an elderly person driving a small car and using their turn signal. I thought that was kind of unusual.

    keyser ...

    Acutally in certain parts of Florida, especially along the West Coast of Florida, you actually do see them use turn signals quite often.

    Typically they are on multi-lane highway, driving in the left (passing) lane, at 20 miles under the speed limit with their left turn signal on.

    Rub a Dub

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Rub a Dub, I thought they had their turn signal on all the time?

  • Hummingbird001

    When I was a JW, a friend of mine lost her mother to cancer and her father was also suffering with cancer. Within a couple of months, a "sister" in the congregation hooked up with her dad and married him.

    It caused great distress for my friend because this new wife told them that according to JEHOVAH, the 32 year marriage with her mother and raising a fmaily and children meant nothing.....NOTHING.....and her new marriage with the father was the bottom line. The new wife then abandoned the father with cancer, spending weekends away from him and denying his daughter the right to care for him during his illness. She inherited all his worldly possessions AND his pension.

    This JW teaching that a 30+ year marriage with children means NOTHING to God if a new wife comes horrible. My friend went through hell, she cried as she asked me who her dad would ask for when he was resurrected - her mother or this new wife who didn't give 2 hoots about him......I told her if he was resurrected, his first thoughts would be of his first wife and his children and grandchildren. The new wife could go to hell, as far as I was concerned.

    It was one of the things that made me question the organization's "legality" issues.....seriously? Where is the humanity?

  • Terry

    I've gotten pretty weird as the years have past along.

    I've started collecting folding knives.

    If I wake up during the night, instead of going all the way to the bathroom, I pee in a beer bottle. (No, there is no recycling involved!)

    I'm apt to say whatever comes into my mind without filtering.

    I apologize alot.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    a similar situation with my dad. he got remarried at age 88 to a 73 year old. She is not a bad lady, no complaints there, but his motives and actions are nit clear. He has an increasing problem of dementia and is not making good decisions ( about anything) He resented me stating the obvious ( that he needs help) and got this lady to marry him even though she had not spent more than 50 hours in his company. She didn't realize how advanced his dementia was until too late. Now she is pretty much a care giver and it is wearing her down. Meanwhile they have moved away 700 miles from me and he won't talk to me. i've had three short conversations with him since Nov. 2011. I am not DF'd. I hear he has cut me out of his will ( its not the money but the thought of it that bothers me).

    In his case it is very much a problem of dementia and paranoia against anyone who states the obvious( that he has dementia).

    maybe its off topic , but thats my story

  • Violia

    Sounds like he is really happy. As long as she is keeping him happy, well I think the family should probably chill. Of course he is not thinking clearly- he probably hasn't had good sex ( or any sex other than with himself) in years and now he is doing "IT" again.

    If the kids don't need the money, no problems. It is sad he is cutting them off and that is the only part that bothers me. But who knows whose idea this was, hers or his? She indeed may be a professional but how many years does he have left? He'd be Ironman if he made it until 90.

    The clock is running at 82 ( and before) If this happens to me and I meet a younger guy who makes me this happy, my family can "bite me". If I get the chance to do the horizontal boogy until my dying breath, Thank you Je*sus.

    Unless you see definite signs of fraud on her part, let the guy enjoy the time he has left.

    Has anyone thought to have her checked out? might not hurt.

    he does sound a tad "off" cutting off communication with grandkids etc. What you gonna do, commit him?

  • prologos

    Do nor forget that this guy may have given a lot to the geneological family during his life time. Past 80 priotiies might change from caring to being cared for. The old family may only see him as a barrier to his remaining resources, the new lady too, but with a helping "hand" or a better substitute. Only suggestion: divide what is left of the equity between the last care giver and the gene pool left behind ( the only sure way to immortaliy) and:

    let WT fend for itself.

  • LV101

    I think it's great he's mesmerized on a love high but as someone mentioned might be a good idea to check this new wife out. If she has a criminal record it might protect his livelihood in the event she's up to something. Why would she be so hurtful to his children - that makes no sense if she really cares about him unless she's so insecure and controlling but he's clearly not making logical decisions. If he has dementia he needs his family in the equasion whether he realizes it or not - who knows what he'll sign over to her. If he has dementia his brain is ravaged.

    My dad was in a frightening situation - he was all alone, in his 80s and vulnerable. We lived out of state (not good) but were always in contact and when his attentativeness with the family changed there was a big problem in the scenario. After an investigation/arrest we were able to rescue him - it was unreal.

    She's probably just an evil, manipulative, control freak but the family needs to ignore what he says, if possible - it's very hurtful to deal with but it might help. If he has dementia and has removed the family from his accounts I'd definitely seek legal help.

  • minimus

    I think it is possible that he might have some early stages of dementia. It is fine to want sex and companionship at his age but dissing all your kids, grandkids and great grandkids is horribly wrong. Knowing how much if a family man he was to this...nah, something us very wrong.

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