Christians are leaving, just as the bible predicted. People are being deceived and are falling victim to the very lies of the Devil. The bible says that if the days weren't cut short, even the elect would be deceived.
"Christians Are Leaving Christianity by the Droves"
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Unstopable: I recognize that you think homosexuals should be allowed to do the same as the rest of us and think this does not think this has something to do with their rights, but I don't think it is very logical.
I know a nice lesbian couple who got married one year ago. Can you give one good reason why they should not have been allowed to be married that is not based on God's supposed whims?
Junction-Guy: Christians are leaving, just as the bible predicted.
I bet when the number of evangelic christians was INCREASING all the evangelics was saying: "Oh no, people are joining christianity and our church is becoming larger, this is nothing like the bible predicted the bible must be wrong!"
oh wait that too was proof god was blessing the church!
You know, there is a term for an idea where no matter how the evidence turns out it is taken to support it. It is "pseudoscientific".
Some sure, perhaps many--but my churches teach just the opposite, as per the bible. They will be the first to tell you that preaching the gospel will not make you popular, and that most bible believing churches will eventually have just a few members left before the Lord returns---What you are describing is mostly attributed to Big Christendom.
Bohm , how can I say what's moral outside of God's morals. Outside of god, there is no moral standard of right and wrong, each person gets to decide
Junction-guy: It is a bit funny that the sign christianity is true just happends to look exactly like more and more people realising christianity is properly not true
unstopableravens: Outside of god, there is no moral standard of right and wrong, each person gets to decide
As best as i can tell, you have just accepted there is no reasons why we should not allow gay marriages which are not solely based on religious ideas. I can then just say that I do not wish religion to influence laws and I don't think I am the first to think of that idea.
If there are no objective reasons to oppose gay marriage between say two lesbians why do god oppose it?
Unstopable ravens: More to the point, if there, as you seem to say, are no objective reasons to forbid gay marriage that are not based on religion, can we not agree that to a seculary minded person who do not wish to base law on religious ideas, or a person who simply does not believe in god like me, making gay marriage illegal is as sensible as introducing any other discrimatory religious ideas like forbidding food containing pork, or fobidding food containing both meat from cows and milk, or forbidding work on the sabbath, or forbidding women to hold office, or punishing people who have sex before marriage or any other such thing?
Ravens - how can I say what's moral outside of God's morals. Outside of god, there is no moral standard of right and wrong
The same way there are morals in countries where they are not believers. A rational consideration of our effect on others. I read that Japan has a lower rape rate than the christian USA.
God's view of absolute morality stinks. God says: Kill the unbelievers. Rape women. Kill children. Slavery is good. Sell your daughters into slavery. Hate gays. Love me or I'll kill you. You are unworthy but I am great.
I am not a fan of god.
How is this not the base of universal morality: love your neighbor as yourself?
If this Golden Rule reflects for both atheists and believers the axis of moral behavior, Christians can come to peace with unbelievers. Jesus ties this Golden Rule to the love of God. Read Luke 10:25-37.
Christianity would do better if this love of neighbor were the entire focus--perhaps it would not be bleeding membership through the many wounds caused by superfluous religious doctrines.
(Going to work--will check in later. Also, good to have you back!)
Junction Guy- were you a JW at one time, are you a Evangelical Christian now or what Church do you attend.