It is a temporary fix, as I would guess alot of the young people there either leave altogether or maybe go back to their roots.
"Christians Are Leaving Christianity by the Droves"
by designs 69 Replies latest social current
I don't force anything down anyone's throat,.
Does that seem like an inappropriate statement for the early part of this discussion?
LisaRose, the American Churches were divided over slavery too.
And both sides claimed that the Bible was the basis for their belief.
So much for God's clear, concise communication to mankind regarding morality and salvation.
What is the set standard of morals on adultery, how about polygamy? Outside the bible you say there are set standards, if you say each couple decides the its not a set standard of right and wrong
Junction I'm Baptist as well :) would love to hear your journey
What do Bible literalists do in the light of Science. How is Science affecting young people's decision to be a Literalist Christian.
Good catch with the Quakers, but their membership has always been small.
DoC - So much for God's clear, concise communication to mankind regarding morality and salvation.
M point exactly.
Ravens - What is the set standard of morals on adultery, how about polygamy? Outside the bible you say there are set standards, if you say each couple decides the its not a set standard of right and wrong
The bible isn't the only 'holy' book around. What about the Koran or the Vedas for example? What I'm saying is the bible isn't the place where we get our moral code from. The moral code in the bible is terrible. God gave 10 commandments then under the guise of Jesus said: 'Nah, I got that wrong. You only need 2.'
"Say what you want about muslims they stand by there religious convictions they dont try to be all pc like christians."
~ Yeah, let's admire their zealousness, even if that means more and more of them become radicalized and innocent people get decapitated.
Jc: LisaRose, the American Churches were divided over slavery too.
an apt comparison: an ancient discrimatory practice being proded up by scriptual support was increasingly being seen as irrelevant and immoral by intellectuals and the younger generation and today it is seen as morally impossible to accept.