Evolution and spirits
by Chris Tann 149 Replies latest watchtower bible
From Billyblobber:
"The problem with doubters in anything supernatural, is that they refuse to consider the possibility that something bigger than themselves might actually exist and they would rather say everyone else is wrong than consider the possibility that there are things that can't be explained away by sleepwalking and meds."
I agree with Cofty; I would be thrilled if it were true, hell, I miss believing that the end is coming and there is a benevolent god in charge; it makes life easier than knowing that we are alone and have to make our own way.
PS: this is an insult from you; you are saying we choose not to believe because we are narcissistic.
"To continue and expand, if multiple people say "I saw a ghost," then that warrants investigation to see if that ghost was a ghost or not, because it's a new unseen occurence with nothing to relate to based on someone else's perception. You would go there and study the "ghost" to see what it is, what it is made of, and if other things cause it. However, oddly enough, this second stage has never happened where it has turned out to be anything supernatural, so until it does, they could have seen -anything- and perceived it as a ghost."
Au contraire; paranormal claims have been explored ad infinitum with NO PROOF. What you have reference is not proof, it is heresay.
Maybe you can contact the ghost and be the first to get an interview!!
Thanks for posting the links - WitnessMyFury. Would certainly like to refer on to more than 5 people including my sister (very educated/degreed) so she'd understand her Quiji board experience in jr. high and I thought/tried to understand & believe but continually questioned her about for 40+ yrs. She doesn't believe anymore but in case she ever goes off the rails again.
It's amazing the popularity of 'spirits' out there. The amazing mind!
How about Bernadette, who in 1858 at the age of 14, saw a lady 18 times in the city of Lourdes.On the 9th appearance a spring appeared. On the 12th appearance the first of many healings took place.
Then there is the story of the 3 shepherd children at Fatima, who saw the virgin Mary and were promised a miracle. 70,000 people showed up and many of them saw the sun dance, whirl around, and radiant colors, including reporters and photograghers.
If I really believed all this, I would join the crazy Catholic church tomorrow.
I too wish I could live to see the day when bigfoot or the loch ness monster proved to be true. ....or maybe an ET..... anything, anything, give me anything even a ghost...
1.1 How long has this Challenge been open?
The Challenge was first introduced in 1964 when James Randi offered $1,000 of his own money to the first person who could offer proof of the paranormal. During a live radio panel discussion, James Randi was challenged by a parapsychologist to "put [his] money where [his] mouth is", and Randi responded by offering to pay $1,000 to anyone who could demonstrate paranormal powers in a controlled test. The prize has since grown to One Million Dollars.
1.2 How many people have applied for the Challenge?
Between 1964 and 1982, Randi declared that over 650 people had applied. Between 1997 and 2005, there had been a total of 360 official, notarized applications. New applications for the Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge continue to be received every month.
1.3 Has anyone ever passed the preliminary test?
No..1 Protocols must be “mutually agreed upon.” What does that mean?
Neither the Foundation nor the claimant can force a testing procedure without the approval of the other party. In fact, applicants are encouraged to formulate their own protocol. However, if the protocol you submitted with your application does not qualify as a sufficient test of the claimed ability, the JREF will develop alternate testing protocol that you may agree to. The testing procedure is a negotiation. If at any time it a deadlock is reached, the application process will be terminated, and neither side will be blamed or considered at fault. On occasion, an applicant may agree to a protocol previously designed by the JREF for testing various paranormal claims. Most of the time, however, new test protocols are developed jointly between the applicant/claimant and the JREF so that each party agrees to the terms of the test. -
Have you ever felt like you were awake but unable to move? You might have even felt afraid but could not call for help? This condition is called sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis may leave you feeling frightened, especially if you also see or hear things that aren't really there. Sleep paralysis may happen only once, or you may have it frequently -- even several times a night.
It's really easy to find this stuff...just search for alternate explanations and you will easily find them...
See? Easy peasy.
curious lack of a single unambiguous miracle
Why do supernatural powers resist manifesting themselves in a clear way?
The Fatima Lady promised a strange light would appear to show that the next world war was near. The light never appeared
+1 internet points have been awarded to rebel8 linking to a QualiaSoup video
The mind is powerfull tool creating vidid imagination that many can claim as proof and truth. However, science needs to deal with facts and and system of verifications and confirmations. We still do not know everything what is happening in the universe, and deal with unknown phenomena; however, this is not a proof of supranatural events. Catholic countries are regularly engulfed with vision of Virgin Mary and have more sighting of it than any other religion on earth. Medzhugoria in former Yugoslavia is one of the example. Catholic Croats will insist that the sightings in the 1980's were real. I met Bosniak (muslims) and Serbs who disagreed. Spain, Italy, Portugal has more sighting of Virgin Mary than Protestant Saxony, England and Scandinavia. During forcefull catholization of Bohemia in 1648-1742 there was more sighting of Mary than it was during 200 years of Protestantism. Whatever became popular with the minds of the people, there will be always individuals believing that some phenomenas are real.
I have two or three unexplained experiences and I still not will insist that the spirits are real as they could be coincidence or result of imagination. When my biological father passed away, the night it happened, I dreamt to be with him in the car, me driving. Next thing I saw a skeleton with sickle and my father in the dream told me that she came for him. I woke up called home hundreds of miles away to find out that my dad passed the night. I could never explain this, but this does not proof anything that there is afterlife, Grim Reaper, spirits, or out of our dimension some messenger.