Evolution and spirits
by Chris Tann 149 Replies latest watchtower bible
William Penwell
I remember in my JW youth how we would hear about these horror demonic stories but it was always a friend of a friend. No real proof. Also the mind can play tricks with a fertile imaginations. I am not saying they don't exist but until someone comes forward with scientific proof there is no evidence they exist.
Chris Tann
This happened in Gary IN. Unbiased witnesses to these events in hospital. To me this verifies spirits are real. Unless this can be proven false.
Its funny how turning on a lightbulb makes the spirits go away....
Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence.
It is up to you to provide it. Not up to skeptics to disprove it.
Unbiased witnesses to these events in hospital
Says who? A TV program designed to entertain people with far-fetched stories. Everbody in that program was playing along for their 15 minutes of fame.
Don't be so gullible.
Chris Tann
Cofty, I'm talking about the news article in Gary In. These witnesses were interviewed. Why is it that when it comes to your belief in evolution,the evidence proves it true, but with things like this that you dont believe in ,the evidence provided is never enough. Here are unbiased identical witnesses of supernatural events in a public building. Not in a dark abononed building witnessed by ghost hunters.
Chris Tann
I think some people come to a conclusion that they are not gonna believe in something before they even investigste it, if they ever do investigate. Why not do what others have done to experience these events, conjure up demons and see what happens. If they don't exist you have nothing to fear.
Most xJWs have had their fill with believing in boogeymen and the Devil....
Coded Logic
Chris Tann,
We don't use anecdotal evidence to support evolution. We use facts that demonstrable with measurable accuracy. It is verifiable with direct observation and repeatable experamentation.
The claims of two people saying the saw something is not the same as the mountains of evidence that support evolution. But I'll ask my questions again:
1.) What are the names of the people who witnessed it?
2.) What is the name of the child that was dragged?
3.) How was it verfied that it was a supernatural event?
Penn & Teller had a good episode on their show B.S. about this subject I'd recommend watching.
Everyone who I've personally known that has told me about having some mystical encounter has also been in a mental institute at some point in their lives. Just saying.